You will most likely find Pumpkins in Mountain and plain biomes, but it is quite rare.
if there is water and dirt then you can plant it any were.
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
In Minecraft, you will need to use an iron pickax to mine the rubies in the game.
Yes with the new update there is now pumpkins
There are no published seeds with pumpkins at spawn.
on a 3x3 dirt patch in minecraft, and any time of the minecraft year will they grow
You will most likely find Pumpkins in Mountain and plain biomes, but it is quite rare.
if there is water and dirt then you can plant it any were.
Minecraft* You need a stone pickaxe to mine iron in Minecraft.
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
That depends on how frequent your variations of biomes are. Usually Yes.
In Minecraft, you will need to use an iron pickax to mine the rubies in the game.