Ihave found that the biggest flaw with emulators is that you cant do things like trade or importing on the Pokemon games
I just wanted to correct this because I know that with emerald on visual boy, you can at least trade (I have done it). I am still looking for if it is possible to migrate.
If you are using an emulator like VBA to play Pokemon Fire Red then you do not save as you normally do. You save using the emulator controls.
VBA is an emulator for GameBoy Advance, while HeartGold is a game for NDS.
If you have the VBA emulator then you must press 1 and do what you want
No, as VBA does not support Nintendo DS games. The best emulator for HeartGold and SoulSilver is No$gba.
you download a vba link but all of your progress will be lost because once u download it u have to choose the emulator in the file
If you are using an emulator like VBA to play Pokemon Fire Red then you do not save as you normally do. You save using the emulator controls.
VBA: Brand of Emulator Emulator: A program to play video games on a different system (a computer in most cases) Pokemon Ruby: A video game (that you can play on an emulator)
VBA is an emulator for GameBoy Advance, while HeartGold is a game for NDS.
If you have the VBA emulator then you must press 1 and do what you want
Emulator > VBA > 128k.
No because Crystal and Leafgreen are not compatible regardless if its on the VBA.
The VBA is actually an emulator built on the coding of the GBA, so when you download a ROM for the emulator that works on the VBA emulator you can play it. Like download Pokemon emerald for the VBA on your computer. It's just a gameboy for your computer. Kinda illegal though in some places.
You need a decent emulator. VBA wont work.
No, as VBA does not support Nintendo DS games. The best emulator for HeartGold and SoulSilver is No$gba.
You can't Virtual Boy Advanced is a Emulator on a computer so no
you cant....unless you use gameshark on vba emulator
kyogre, rayquaza, latias if u have vba emulator more.