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what i did was bake her cocoa cake or i dunno 2 years lol (in game time) haha i was slow :p and then as i got to 7 hearts i gave her an egg a day for (i forgot how many days) and when i got to 8 hearts i befriended joe and bought the level 3 house got a double bed. THEN the next day when i exited my house Theodore was there and he told me stuff about marrying and took me to this big cliff thing i did the mini game (which is climbing up the big cliff thing) then there was a cut scene where my character sat down in relief stood up got this feather then celebrated i magically appeared at the bottom of the cliff and Theodore told me to give the feather to my characters love (ellen) i went over gave it her she sed something like i, is this for m, me? i love you too! (characters name) then i went along the day as normal until the next day were i got married to her :3

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Q: How do you marry Ellen harvest moon magical melody?
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Harvest Moon is PG-rated game; to have a kid, you just have to marry someone and wait.Shortly after you get married,you'll have a baby. (your baby stays a baby forever in magical melody, though).

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I do not know but why on Earth would you want to marry a snot-nosed brat like Jamie?

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A level 3 house, a double bed, blue feather, and 10 hearys of you bachlorette/bachlor.

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You can't it was disabled through all of the Harvest Moon MM games because you can marry Jamie ,but the game ends and doesn't allow you to go into the house.

Can you marry who you want on Harvest Moon Magical Melody wii?

You can marry whoever you want out of the available marriage candidates. The girls available for marriage are: Ann Dia Gina Gwen Katie Maria Lyla Ellen Eve Nina Jamie So you must choose between those girls, but you can marry the one you like most. Once you complete the marriage requirements you can propose to the girl you want using the Blue Feather. The game will end if you marry Jamie.

In harvest moon magical melody who can you marry?

While playing as a boy your option are: Ann Eve Dia Gwen Lyla Nina Gina Maria Katie Ellen Jamie If you have the Gamecube version you can play as a female character. Then your options are: Blue Carl Bob Joe Kurt Ray Alex Louis Dan Basil Jamie

What happens after you marry Jamie in Magical Melody?

The game ends, because you two are no longer competing.