If you don't want to drink a highly carbonated drink just swallow air.It's that simple.You can swallow air by breathing in air,close your mouth,squeeze your cheeks,and just swallow it.
Yes, sometimes when they eat something or when you leave it for a while it starts doing random things and it may burp then.
No I don't think so but you can easily make up a word. How about vurp or bomit. Yeah, I don't know the word for the action.
Burp in your moms face
You can make another account, earn gems on it, and gift yourself ;] -MeganHatesMatt
The carbonation makes you burp.
you burp, as you are burping make your mouth move as if you were saying a letter
breath in then punch yourself in the belly
No that is like sodigusting! Especially if your breath stinks!
Yes, just like any carbonated beverage, it can make you burp.
Please don't spam questions and answer them yourself... does it matter?
i dont no
To be rude or to make you sick!!
If you're talking about burping, you're talking about absorbency. Manufacturers produce fabrics for different purposes: you wouldn't burp your baby with silk and nor would you swaddle yourself in Burp cloths for a night out. Burp cloths offer super absorbency, easy cleaning properties, and fast drying fabrics. G'night baby, g'morning mom!
just swallow lots of air and wait till it comes out in a huge burp
Swallow air. Or if this for some insane reason is too hard if you drink soda the air in the bubbles will usually make you burp.
all you have too do to create wind is fart and burp