If its not your server you can not, the server owner only can. If you have your own server, go into the console of the server and type in /op YourMinecraftUsername
That depends on whether it's a bukkit or hamachi. If its hamachi just op yourself on the window where it says loading spawn area because basically op is admin on hamachi so if you are op you basically own a hamachi server.
No but they can make you an op. Would you like to join my server? If you do visit these websites minecraft-cliffside-server.webs.com, cliffside-forums.webs.com
To make yourself creative on Minecraft, simple type "/gamemode creative" (excluding parenthesis) and to go back to survival, type "/gamemode survival" - pretty simple. If you wish to make somebody else creative, type "/gamemode (username) creative" and this should put them in creative. For example, "/gamemode MinecraftPlayer creative" - in case you don't get it. Make sure you are an OP, as an additional note. To OP yourself, go on the server console and type in "op (your username)" without the / this time (the console won't recognize it!)
You can't. Only the admin/op/mod can unmute you. (unless you want to hack into the server console which is illegal)
There is no direct way to become admin. alass the popoular belief of force OP is not possible. the only way to become admin is to show your loyalty to a server and try to be a good player on the server an eventually you may be able to convince the owner to make you an admin.
You can not opp yourself, so to op be opped in a server that's not yours, you have to be opped by an opped person to be opped.
Assuming that you are on a Server... You go to the console, and do "/op USERNAME" this will automatically OP the usernamed player. IF you are asking how to hack yourself OP and cheat on a Server, or something... There is no way to do this.
To make blocks destructible u have to be an op of the server
That depends on whether it's a bukkit or hamachi. If its hamachi just op yourself on the window where it says loading spawn area because basically op is admin on hamachi so if you are op you basically own a hamachi server.
No but they can make you an op. Would you like to join my server? If you do visit these websites minecraft-cliffside-server.webs.com, cliffside-forums.webs.com
To make yourself creative on Minecraft, simple type "/gamemode creative" (excluding parenthesis) and to go back to survival, type "/gamemode survival" - pretty simple. If you wish to make somebody else creative, type "/gamemode (username) creative" and this should put them in creative. For example, "/gamemode MinecraftPlayer creative" - in case you don't get it. Make sure you are an OP, as an additional note. To OP yourself, go on the server console and type in "op (your username)" without the / this time (the console won't recognize it!)
If you have access to the server console (command prompt), type in the command op (I would type op Andrio).If you don't, ask someone who is already an op to do this.
Go to where you saved all your server properties, open the Ops.txt folder, put your name, then press save. You should be an op. Or use the command /op yourname. Then it will op you.
It depends on the server op's but if its your single player server no.
You need to be an admin or an op
You can't. Only the admin/op/mod can unmute you. (unless you want to hack into the server console which is illegal)