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All sims start out neutral, so they say. If married, they start somewhat inclined to the gender they married (your option in building the family). The more romantic/flirtatious interactions towards one gender, the more they lean that way. Over time, they prefer that gender.

Or, if you want it simpler, there is an item on, that can change it for you. Search for "gender", and you should locate it. Looks just like the kite decor (does NOT override that, though), and you place it on a wall, select a sim, click and set as you like. You can do this for all sims in that family, then sell the item on day one, too, costing them nothing. Tried it, it works GREAT. Mine, I prefer straight, but with this, you can set all one way, all the other, or a range in between. Very nice object. Free to download, too.

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Q: How do you make your sims gay?
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yes they can, all you got to do is make them be very good friends and make them kiss and like the normal way to get coupleised Except that gay couples can't have babies with their partner. :)

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You keep having the Sims talk to each other until their relationship goes up with each other and after a while. They will start liking each other and then on the option menu it says kiss and you press kiss and then they are gay!!

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I am gay

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Yes they can. My 2 lesbian Sims got married, and then divorced and then both married guys. They made out as well.

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Pretty sure you just get 2 sims of the same gender and do the same thing as with oppsite gender people. Just go through the romance (example- admire, kiss, ect.)

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yes it can because she can be gay