You need more residents (as in a ratio in the config) and then you can claim more... look up extra details on the wiki for towny.
You can't because towny is designed for one person to own or join one town or nation only.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 70 words with the pattern T---Y. That is, five letter words with 1st letter T and 5th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: tabby tacky taffy taggy talcy talky tally tammy tangy tanky tansy tardy tarry tarty tasty tatty tawny teary techy teddy teeny telly tenny tenty tepoy terry testy thawy thewy thymy tichy ticky tiddy tilly tinny tinty tippy tipsy titty tizzy toady tocky today toddy toffy tokay tolly tommy toney toshy tossy totty tousy touzy towny towsy towzy tripy truly tubby tufty tummy tumpy tunny turfy tushy tusky tutty twiny typey
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 265 words with the pattern --W--. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter W. In alphabetical order, they are: ajwan alway asway aswim bawds bawdy bawls bawns bawrs bawty bewet bewig bowat bowed bowel bower bowes bowet bowie bowls bowne bowrs bowse byway cawed cawks cowal cowan cowed cower cowks cowls cowps cowry crwth dawah dawds dawed dawen dawks dawns dawts dewan dewar dewax dewed diwan dowar dowds dowdy dowed dowel dower dowie dowle dowls dowly downa downs downy dowps dowry dowse dowts etwee fawns fawny fewer fowls fowth gawcy gawds gawks gawky gawps gawsy gowan gowds gowfs gowks gowls gowns hawed hawks hawms hawse hewed hewer hewgh howbe howdy howes howff howfs howks howls howre howso inwit jawan jawed jewed jewel jewie jowar jowed jowls jowly kawas kawau kawed kiwis lawed lawer lawin lawks lawns lawny lewis lowan lowed lower lowes lowly lownd lowne lowns lowps lowry lowse lowts mawed mawks mawky mawrs mewed mewls mowas mowed mower mowra nawab newed newel newer newie newly newsy newts ngwee noway nowed nowls nowts nowty pawas pawaw pawed pawer pawks pawky pawls pawns pewee pewit powan power powin pownd powns powny powre rawer rawin rawly rawns rewan rewax rewed rewet rewin rewon rewth rowan rowdy rowed rowel rowen rower rowme rownd rowth rowts sawah sawed sawer sewan sewar sewed sewel sewen sewer sewin shwas sowar sowce sowed sower sowff sowfs sowle sowls sowms sownd sowne sowps sowse sowth tawai tawas tawed tawer tawie tawny tawse tawts tewed tewel tewit towed towel tower towie towns towny towse towsy towts towze towzy unwed unwet unwit unwon vawte vowed vowel vower wawas wawes wawls wowed wowee yawed yawey yawls yawns yawny yawps yewen yowed yowes yowie yowls zowie
tabby taber tabes tabid tabla table taboo tabor tabun tabus taces tacet tache tachs tacit tacks tacky tacos tacts taels taffy tafia tahrs taiga tails tains taint tajes takas taken taker takes takin talar talas talcs taler tales talks talky talls tally talon taluk talus tamal tamed tamer tames tamis tammy tamps tanga tango tangs tangy tanka tanks tansy tanto tapas taped taper tapes tapir tapis tardo tardy tared tares targe tarns taroc tarok taros tarot tarps tarre tarry tarsi tarts tarty tasks tasse taste tasty tatar tater tates tatty taunt tauon taupe tauts tawed tawer tawie tawny tawse taxed taxer taxes taxis taxol taxon taxus tazza tazze teach teaks teals teams tears teary tease teats techs techy tecta teddy teels teems teens teeny teeth teffs teggs tegua teiid teind telae telco teles telex telia telic tells telly teloi telos tempi tempo temps tempt tench tends tendu tenet tenge tenia tenon tenor tense tenth tents tenty tepal tepas tepee tepid tepoy terai terce terga terms terne terns terra terry terse tesla testa tests testy teths tetra tetri teuch teugh tewed texas texts thack thane thank tharm thaws thebe theca theft thegn thein their theme thens there therm these thesp theta thews thewy thick thief thigh thill thine thing think thins thiol third thirl thole thong thorn thoro thorp those thous thraw three threw thrip throb throe throw thrum thuds thugs thuja thumb thump thunk thurl thuya thyme thymi thymy tiara tibia tical ticks tidal tided tides tiers tiffs tiger tight tigon tikes tikis tikka tilak tilde tiled tiler tiles tills tilth tilts timed timer times timid tinct tinea tined tines tinge tings tinny tints tipis tippy tipsy tired tires tirls tiros titan titer tithe titis title titre titty tizzy toads toady toast today toddy toeas toffs toffy tofts tofus togae togas togue toile toils toits tokay toked token toker tokes tolan tolar tolas toled toles tolls tolus tolyl toman tombs tomes tommy tonal tondi tondo toned toner tones toney tonga tongs tonic tonne tonus tools toons tooth toots topaz toped topee toper topes tophe tophi tophs topic topis topoi topos toque torah toras torch torcs tores toric torii toros torot torrs torse torsi torsk torso torta torte torts torus total toted totem toter totes touch tough tours touse touts towed towel tower towie towns towny toxic toxin toyed toyer toyon toyos trace track tract trade tragi traik trail train trait tramp trams trank tranq trans traps trapt trash trass trave trawl trays tread treat treed treen trees treks trend tress trets trews treys triac triad trial tribe trice trick tried trier tries trigo trigs trike trill trims trine triol trios tripe trips trite troak trock trode trogs trois troke troll tromp trona trone troop trooz trope troth trots trout trove trows troys truce truck trued truer trues trugs trull truly trump trunk truss trust truth tryma tryst tsade tsadi tsars tsked tsuba tubae tubal tubas tubby tubed tuber tubes tucks tufas tuffs tufts tufty tules tulip tulle tumid tummy tumor tumps tunas tuned tuner tunes tungs tunic tunny tupik tuque turbo turds turfs turfy turks turns turps tushy tusks tutee tutor tutti tutty tutus tuxes tuyer twaes twain twang twats tweak tweed tween tweet twerp twice twier twigs twill twine twins twiny twirl twirp twist twits twixt twyer tyees tyers tying tyiyn tykes tyned tynes typal typed types typey typic typos typps tyred tyres tyros tythe tzars
acing, acini, adunc, aeons, agene, agent, aging, agone, agons, agony, ahing, airns, akene, aland, alane, alang, alans, alant, aline, alone, along, amend, amens, ament, amine, amino, amins, among, anent, aping, arena, arene, atone, atony, avens, awing, axing, axone, axons, ayins, azans, azine, azons, banns, barns, barny, beano, beans, being, benne, benni, benny, bhang, biont, bland, blank, blend, blent, blind, blini, blink, blond, blunt, boing, bonne, bonny, boons, borne, bound, brand, brank, brans, brant, brens, brent, brine, bring, brink, brins, briny, bronc, brung, brunt, bunns, bunny, burns, burnt, bwana, cains, canna, canny, carns, carny, chang, chant, china, chine, chink, chino, chins, chunk, cions, clang, clank, clans, cline, cling, clink, clone, clonk, clons, clung, clunk, coins, conns, coons, corns, cornu, corny, count, crane, crank, crone, crony, cuing, curns, cyano, cyans, damns, darns, daunt, dawns, deans, diene, djinn, djins, doing, donna, donne, downs, downy, drank, drink, drone, drunk, durns, dwine, dying, earns, ebons, ebony, eking, eland, elans, elint, emend, evens, event, exine, exing, exons, eying, faena, faint, fanny, fauna, fauns, fawns, fawny, feint, fenny, ferns, ferny, fiend, finny, firns, flank, flans, fling, flint, flong, flung, flunk, fohns, foins, found, fount, franc, frank, frena, frond, frons, front, funny, gains, garni, gaunt, giant, ginny, girns, gland, glans, glens, glint, going, goons, goony, gowns, grana, grand, grans, grant, grind, grins, grunt, guano, guans, gunny, gwine, haint, haunt, henna, herns, hinny, horns, horny, hound, hyena, hying, hymns, icing, icons, ikons, imine, imino, inane, iring, irone, irons, irony, jaunt, jeans, jenny, jinni, jinns, jnana, johns, joins, joint, kains, kaons, karns, keens, kerne, kerns, khans, kiang, kilns, kirns, klong, koans, koine, krona, krone, lawns, lawny, leans, leant, leone, liana, liane, liang, liens, limns, linns, lions, llano, loans, loins, loons, loony, lying, mains, manna, maund, means, meant, meany, meiny, mesne, miens, minny, moans, moons, moony, morns, mound, mount, muons, nanny, neons, ninny, noons, nouns, ohing, omens, opens, opine, oping, orang, ovens, ovine, owing, ozone, pains, paint, panne, pawns, peans, peens, peins, penna, penni, penny, peons, peony, phone, phono, phons, phony, piano, pians, piing, pinna, pinny, pions, pirns, plane, plank, plans, plant, plena, plink, plonk, plunk, poind, point, poons, porno, porns, porny, pound, prang, prank, prink, print, prone, prong, prune, punny, pyins, quant, quins, quint, rains, rainy, regna, reink, reins, rhino, riant, roans, round, ruana, ruing, ruins, runny, sains, saint, sauna, scans, scant, scena, scend, scene, scent, scone, segni, segno, seine, senna, shank, shend, shent, shine, shins, shiny, shone, shuns, shunt, signa, signs, skank, skene, skink, skins, skint, skunk, slang, slank, slant, sling, slink, slung, slunk, sonny, sorns, sound, spang, spank, spans, spend, spent, spine, spins, spiny, spunk, stand, stane, stang, stank, steno, stent, sting, stink, stint, stone, stony, stung, stunk, stuns, stunt, suing, suint, sunna, sunns, sunny, swang, swank, swans, swine, swing, swink, swung, tains, taint, tarns, taunt, tawny, teens, teeny, teind, terne, terns, thane, thank, thens, thine, thing, think, thins, thong, thunk, tinny, tonne, toons, towns, towny, trank, tranq, trans, trend, trine, trona, trone, trunk, tunny, turns, twang, twine, twins, twiny, tying, udons, ulans, upend, urine, using, varna, vaunt, veena, veins, veiny, viand, vying, wains, warns, weans, weens, weeny, wenny, whang, whens, whine, whins, whiny, wound, wrang, wrens, wring, wrong, wrung, wynns, yarns, yawns, yeans, young, yuans, zeins, zoons530 words found.
You can't because towny is designed for one person to own or join one town or nation only.
The most awesome Minecraft server out there -- The World's Best Towny Server!
/money pay [username] [amount]
There is no actual 'best server' but one of the world's most popular servers is RealmCraft. The ip is It has hunger games, towny, wars and much more.
I'm presuming this is with Towny? Type /t create [ur town name minus the brackets(depending on the server, it might be 'new' instead of create)] , then if you haven't already: /t claim , to claim land
What did pa buy in towny
Well obviously you trick or treat in toontowns town of town houses which will be located in the toonny tooon towwn of towns turn left of the toon town house to the tooony town left right house town toony. So the in simpler form: TOWN TO TOWN TOWNY TOWN TOWN. Was this good info
A plot is something that you can buy/sell, depending on the server. It is an area of land that you can build on; it's most used in Towny servers. really great server :)Also try: meepcraft.comUltimate Towny and Factions!~Mindnight Sword
I don't know 'some', but I know one. There is a new server called "Takunda Craft" and it is a developing/growing server. It has friendly mods/admins and great people. It is free survival, PVP, with Towny and other great plugins. Doesn't include whitelist, and you do not have to write a forum post. It is also free survival so you can grief and do whatever you want to do. This server is medieval themed, and infact one of the addicting servers I have ever been to