What you do is you go outside get a life then you throw the stupid game out
You have to wait for high tide.
You wait outside.
In the Shoal Cave, you may come across two exclusive items - the Shoal Salt and the Shoal Shell. There are about four of each at any given time in the cave and together can be traded for a Shoal Bell. The problem is: how do we get the other when we already have one? The is simple: we must visit the cave at the right time. Shoal Cave operates on a timetable. At a certain time each day, the tide in the cave changes from high to low and back again. What this means is that when there is a tide in the cave, a certain section of it is cut of and cannot be accessed until the other tide is in. If it is high tide, then you will find that the cave is filled with water and places high up in the cave are assessible. However, it blocks off the lower entry points to the other parts of the cave. It is only when low tide has come that you can access these areas - but then you can't get high up anymore. Between 9am and 3pm (according to the in-game clock), the cave is in high tide. This is when, if memory serves me correctly, we can gather Shoal Shells. It also reaches high tide between 9pm and 3am. From 3am to 9am, the cave is in low tide. This is when the other 'Shoal' can be found - the Shoal Salt. Note that low tide is also between 3pm and 9pm. This tide timetable' applies to both Ruby and Sapphire (and possibly Emerald).
According to my findings shoal cave changes either every 3 hours or 3 days keep going into shoal cave until the low tide is there. According to the Bulbapedia, it is every 6 hours that it is either hi tide or low tide.
It's the same in real world,check the clock in your house in Pallet Town.When the time is afternoon,the sea is low tide.When the time is morning,the sea is high tide.To make sure that the shoal cave is low tide or high tide,go in shoal cave exactly 6pm or 6am. B)
You can get Shoal Shells and Shoal Salt to make into Shell Bells here. Salt at low tide, shells at high tide, I think. Maybe be reversed. There is no real purpose to the cave and the game can be completed without entering it.
You have to wait for high tide.
If you mean Pokemon Sapphire then check the Shoal Cave, When she dries it's gonna be low tide, When she's high then it's high tide!
u find it in shoal cave in the ice area at low tide
Low tide in Shoal Cave happens every 6 hours in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. If it is not working for you then your internal battery may have run dry.
Keep checking the cave until the tide is down.
You wait outside.
shoal cave above mostdeep city. but it must be low tide to capture it. enter the cave during low tide and walks into a icy area. snorunt is there
In the Shoal Cave, you may come across two exclusive items - the Shoal Salt and the Shoal Shell. There are about four of each at any given time in the cave and together can be traded for a Shoal Bell. The problem is: how do we get the other when we already have one? The is simple: we must visit the cave at the right time. Shoal Cave operates on a timetable. At a certain time each day, the tide in the cave changes from high to low and back again. What this means is that when there is a tide in the cave, a certain section of it is cut of and cannot be accessed until the other tide is in. If it is high tide, then you will find that the cave is filled with water and places high up in the cave are assessible. However, it blocks off the lower entry points to the other parts of the cave. It is only when low tide has come that you can access these areas - but then you can't get high up anymore. Between 9am and 3pm (according to the in-game clock), the cave is in high tide. This is when, if memory serves me correctly, we can gather Shoal Shells. It also reaches high tide between 9pm and 3am. From 3am to 9am, the cave is in low tide. This is when the other 'Shoal' can be found - the Shoal Salt. Note that low tide is also between 3pm and 9pm. This tide timetable' applies to both Ruby and Sapphire (and possibly Emerald).
According to my findings shoal cave changes either every 3 hours or 3 days keep going into shoal cave until the low tide is there. According to the Bulbapedia, it is every 6 hours that it is either hi tide or low tide.
Time.... Check the Time in ur game At ur Home If it is Morning the tide will be.... If aFTERNOON the tide will be....
You can find a Snorunt in the Low Tide B1 of Shoal Cave. You can commonly encounter it in Low Tide B3, though, with a 40% chance of appearing.