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Go into crafting,

1. put one set of wooden planks/boards onto of another

2. Hey Presto! STICKS!

You don't even need a crafting table; you can craft this from your inventory crafting screen.

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Q: How do you make sticks in Minecraft?
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How many planks and sticks are needed to make a wooden axe in minecraft?

2 sticks and 3 planks.

How do make a picture frame in minecraft?

Sticks around wool! / / / /W/ / / /

How do you make an item frame in Minecraft?

put leather in the center and make the border sticks

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3 sticks and 3 string in a bow form

How much sticks and coal do have to make a torch in minecraft?

When you make sticks it gives you four. However, you only need one, and one coal to make four torches.

How do make sticks on the game survival craft?

Survival Craft is a PC game which is very similar to Minecraft. To make sticks, place two wooden planks on top of each other.

How do you build a ladder in minecraft?

Make a full size letter H in the crafting table using sticks.

How do you make a iron sword in Minecraft?

(I = Iron) (S = Sticks) (N = Nothing) NIN NIN NSN

How do you make a paddle in minecraft?

You don't.

How you make wooden hoe on Minecraft?

It is made of two wooden planks and two sticks. The recipe is this: W=Wooden Planks S=Sticks W W S S

How do you make tipped arrows in minecraft?

You need flint from gravel, sticks from wood, and feathers from chicken. And obviously a crafting table

How do you make tourchs in Minecraft?

u go in the crafting table and put coal on top of sticks to make torches. you use any 2 squares as long as u have 1 bottom with sticks and 1 top with coal.