Get ten wool, two stone, two red stone, two wood, two stick, one villager, a spider. Mix together. villager and spider. Let the spider attack villager.
I didn't make Minecraft.
You have to have a mod (modification) to make a cannon. It is not in vanilla minecraft.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
you can't make a pencil in minecraft, but there mite be a mod for it.
There is no rope in vanilla Minecraft.
The cloths are called "skins", there are many modders who make them. Do a search on Yahoo/Google for something like "Spiderman skin for Minecraft" and you will get a few million hits for every modder who makes a Spiderman skin.
to switch between red spiderman and black spiderman you have to press one of the side directional buttons
how do you unlock the wresling suit in ultimate spiderman ps2
There are a bunch but the best one is spiderman 3
No Peter was the ONLY person in the spiderman suit but maybe in the comics idk
No you can only be in the black suit not Venom. Besides the game is called Spiderman.
Pressing left or right on the D-Pad on your controller will remove and/or put on the Black Suit.
The vigilante suit is a DLC. You have to Pre Order it.
spiderman first got the black suit at the end of the secret wars number 8
the clothes I have in my wardrobe in gta sa ps2 are valet unifom,croupier, gimp suit,pimp suit,spiderman,jeff hardy, and racing suit
Peter parker's boss is rhino he whant's spiderman's suit stupid right (:
Yes. it bonded together and took over spiderman's Red and blue suit.