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You should go to Agent G and use the test chamber click on ice so it will make it stronger.

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Q: How do you make snow gear stronger for club penguin?
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Where do you get the snow to make the gear for the clock in club penguin?

By the little bucket

How do you make the snow stronger for the gear in club penguin in the mission about the clocktowera?

Just go to G's gadget room and then go to the test chamber put the snow gear in it make sure u put it on snow mode and then once ur done u have an ice gear then put it in the clock tower.

You made the yellow puffle really happy on club penguin mission seven now what?

make it make the gear!

What do you do when you make the yellow puffle smile on the clock mystery on club penguin?

give him the missing gear paper

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Its imposible to make your penguin flip on club penguin.

Where is Club Penguin HTML?

you mean for a club penguin trainer or to make a widget for club penguin?

How do you make a rolling penguin on Club Penguin?

To make your penguin roll on club penguin you must have these items from the EPF.H2O packRange FinderTactical GearTactical BootsYou can get these items by clicking your EPF phone thingy, clicking "ELITE GEAR", then clicking "TACTICAL".Once you have all the items, put them on and dance. you should see yourself roll.

What do you do in the dance club on Club Penguin?

Make your penguin dance and see what you do.

How can you make a Club Penguin home in July 2012 on Club Penguin?

You must make your home really fancy and you must submit it to Club Penguin by clicking on coummunity at the top of the Club Penguin website

Where do you find a pic of the clock gear in club penguin mission 7 so the yellow puffle can make it?

Get the flyer from Rookie in the town.

Who can make you a game like club penguin?

To make a game like Club Penguin, you have to make a game like Club Penguin! Sheesh I can't believe you didnt' know that!

What is cp trainer on Club Penguin?

a club penguin trainer is a thing where you you can discover all the cheats in club penguin and make your penguin do that cheat.