Find a rose (a red flower), click it to remove it, then put the flower in a crafting table. The result is red dye.
Orange dye can be made by putting yellow dye (from crafting yellow flowers) and red dye (from crafting red flowers) on the crafting table.
Find and mine some 'Lapis Lazuli'. This is blue dye, and mix it with red dye, which can be obtained by putting a red flower into the crafting table, then put both the lapis and the red dye into the crafting table to make purple.
If you place a red rose in your crafting box, you will receive red dye. You then place the red dye and wool into the crafting box, and you'll receive red wool.
Mine some Lapis Lazuli and pick some roses. Put the roses in a crafting slot to make 'Rose Red', then craft Rose Red and Lapis Lazuli together to make 2 units of Purple Dye.
mix red and blue dye Red dye- redberries blue dye- woad leaves
Orange dye can be made by putting yellow dye (from crafting yellow flowers) and red dye (from crafting red flowers) on the crafting table.
Find and mine some 'Lapis Lazuli'. This is blue dye, and mix it with red dye, which can be obtained by putting a red flower into the crafting table, then put both the lapis and the red dye into the crafting table to make purple.
rose red dye and bonemeal
If you place a red rose in your crafting box, you will receive red dye. You then place the red dye and wool into the crafting box, and you'll receive red wool.
Mine some Lapis Lazuli and pick some roses. Put the roses in a crafting slot to make 'Rose Red', then craft Rose Red and Lapis Lazuli together to make 2 units of Purple Dye.
You can place flowers on dirt blocks or make a garden out of them. In minecraft 1.4 (which is coming out in october or november) they'll have flower pots which will be really cool!
mix red and blue dye Red dye- redberries blue dye- woad leaves
Since pocket edition doesn't have red flowers for some dumb reason, you have to smelt red mushrooms. I recommend farming the mushrooms if you want to make lots of dye.
Add white to the red.
You can make blocks out of it, for building with, it can also be used as a dye.
Orange dye is made by combining a yellow dye and a red dye.
You need orange dye and blue dye. Aggie in Draynor Village can make red, yellow and blue dye. Combine the red and yellow to make orange dye.