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The answer varies between people, because not everybody agrees on a single most effective way to earn money in F2P, however I'll give some that have helped me the most in my gameplay.

1. (You need level 33 magic and at least some money to do this). Get a bunch of air and law runes and deposit everything in your inventory into the bank(except for the runes) so that there are only two spaces being used. Go just north of the goblin village to Zamorak's temple. go inside and you'll see a jug of wine called "wine of Zamorak". Use telekinetic grab on it (do not try to get it just with your bare hands because you'll get attacked and will lose health). And then wait until it appears again (about 25 seconds) and repeat the process. Get an inventory full then go east then up into the wilderness then go to edgeville bank and deposit them. Repeat this entire process 40 times and sell them all at the Grand Exchange and you'll get approximately 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 GP

(This is my preferred way of earning money).

2. Get a brass key in the edgeville dungeons then kill lots of hill giants and collect big bones and limpwurt roots then go up the ladder and east to the grand exchange and sell them.

3. go to west varrock (just south of the Grand Exchange where there are 3 oak trees close to each other (just south of a fence, right by Juliet's house) and chop them down. Get a full inventory of logs and take them to the bank across the road and deposit them. Repeat this process a bunch of times until you have thousands of logs. About an hour for every 1000(Or less depending on your Woodcutting lvl). Now go north to the Grand Exchange and sell them all for lots of money.

4. (Note. You cannot do this if you have not done the rune mysteries quest). Go to the east bank in varrock just south of the museum and deposit everything you have except for a pickax. Wield the Pickax and go south of the bank to Aubury's store. Right select Aubury and ask him to teleport you. Mine a full inventory of rune essence then take the portal back. Go north back to the bank and deposit all runes. Repeat process as much as you like then take all runes to grand exchange and sell them.

5. Kill cows in the east Lumbridge area and take their cowhides and deposit them in the Lumbridge castle bank. Repeat process as many times as desired and then go north to varrock and sell them at the Grand Exchange.

If you go to you can find out more ways to earn cash fast.

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