

Best Answer
lightnig potion-leaves and red flask(liquid)tak and the power of juju
chiken potion-fower and red liquid
storm potion- flower and blue liquid
lightning potion- cant remember
invisibility potion- grass and green liquid
darkness potion-leaves and blue liquid
rainbow potion-leaves and green liquid
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Q: How do you make potions in nicktropolis?
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What potions can you make in Minecraft?

There are many potions you can make but you need many different materials to do so first you need to make awkward potions and then you add the fizz like fermented spider eyes magma cream and you can make potions of fire resistance potions of speed potions of regeneration potions of instant health which instantly heal you also instant damage and much more check the wiki by typing minecraft wiki in on google it's a very useful site that's about what you can make