You right click two of them with carrots and they will find each other and make a baby. The same applies to rabbits.
They can be fed wheat, to make them breed.
Carrots attract pigs in Minecraft. The same goes for rabbits
You must feed Pigs Carrots... (right clicking a pig with a carrot)... Feeding two pigs with carrots will make them BREED (and make a baby pig)!
You can make bread, cookies, cake, and feed it to cows, pigs, chicken, and sheep to make them breed.
Yes there are.
Yes, there are pigs in Minecraft.
They can be fed wheat, to make them breed.
slop isn't available in vanilla
well guinea pigs will mate and make themselves but its really just called nature
Carrots attract pigs in Minecraft. The same goes for rabbits
no but you can mate with them
You must feed Pigs Carrots... (right clicking a pig with a carrot)... Feeding two pigs with carrots will make them BREED (and make a baby pig)!
You can make bread, cookies, cake, and feed it to cows, pigs, chicken, and sheep to make them breed.
Yes there are.
you cant make your guinea pigs mate, however if you leave them alone for long periods of time together they are more likely to. they may have already if they have spent time together and it could be early in the pregnancy when signs aren't as noticeable.
well just like any other guinea pigs they can be and are allowed to mate
Pigs like carrots. Pigs will follow you if you are holding a carrot on a stick.