Well, I'd sy you give her gifts everyday except for the festival days cause all the doors are closed. Her favourite gifts are: Grape Juice, Wild Grape, Wine and maybe Grape Wine Juice, anything that has got to do with grapes or wine, she will love. Hope i helped.
Which Harvest Moon are you playing? You can marry Nami in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, A Wonderful Life: Special Edition, and Harvest Moon DS. The way you get married is different depending on the game. For A Wonderful Life propose with the Blue Feather when Nami has Four Hearts in her Diary. For Harvest Moon DS you must complete all the marriage requirements. Which are: Upgrade your house twice Buy the double bed See all four heart events Have a Red Heart with her Rescue at least 60 Harvest Sprites After that you can propose with the Blue Feather.
Lumina doesn't have a diary because you can't marry her. You can only choose Muffy, Nami, and Celia. The three girls that you can marry are the only girls with diaries.
You get a kitchen from Channel Two. The Second Sprite Channel can be unlocked by buying things from the supermarket for ten days straight. This is useful if you want to court/marry Nami or Muffy because Muffy likes the wine and Nami likes the grape juice. First you have to upgrade your house and buy a fridge, cabinet and coffee table. When you first get a kitchen you haven't got any utensils and you have to wait until next week to get some. You can get books with recipes at the casino in the Harvest Sprites' house.
Gustafa believe it or not =)
well you don`t. you would have to start all over. need more help? go to www.fogu.com/hm --------------harvest moon helper oscar71298
Nami is in multiple Harvest Moon games. The answer depends on which Harvest Moon game you are playing.
Nami LOVES Gratin.Here is the recipe for Gratin:Onion, Butter (to make this, put Milk in the mixer), Milk, Cheese, FlourIf you give her Gratin, you will earn 800 LP and 9 FP.
Fall 24th.
Show the blue feather to all of the other girls.
Celia, Nami, and Muffy.
The room is to the left on the second floor.
Which Harvest Moon are you playing? You can marry Nami in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, A Wonderful Life: Special Edition, and Harvest Moon DS. The way you get married is different depending on the game. For A Wonderful Life propose with the Blue Feather when Nami has Four Hearts in her Diary. For Harvest Moon DS you must complete all the marriage requirements. Which are: Upgrade your house twice Buy the double bed See all four heart events Have a Red Heart with her Rescue at least 60 Harvest Sprites After that you can propose with the Blue Feather.
Around 8-9
She likes wild grapes and grape juice. Wait until her heart (in the bottom right-hand quarter) is red. Then purpose.
She likes stuff from the mine, toy flowers, normal flowers and that's all I know so have a great day with your harvest moon DS and i should to!
he goes to the inn where ruby rock and nami live
It is on a desk in her bedroom. You can only enter her room while she is there. She is only in her room late at night.