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There is only 3 ways to make money on Roblox

(1)If you have BC,TBC,OBC then make a shirt and sell it.

(2)You will get 10 TIX every 24 hours(But you have to refresh your page first)

(3)To buy robux.

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How do you get 99999 money in roblox?

There is no "money" in roblox, there is only tickets and robux. The only way to get that many is to work hard, make a place and get it popular. Make then sell shirts,pants and t-shirts if you have builders club.

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You press the buttons, and if you have enough money it will make the upgrade. You can check your money in the upper right corner.


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How do you make a transaction in roblox with other players?

There is no official way to make a transaction to other players on Roblox. However, players sometime make donation shirts if they are in BC. These can be purchased, and it's basically the same thing as giving a Roblox player your money.

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There is no way to get 1000000R on roblox

What are Roblox tix?

They are a type of money on roblox.

How much money do you have on Roblox?

the only money in roblox is tickets and robux so that will appear in the right top corner on my roblox page

Do ads on roblox cost real money?

No. You can make in-game ads using Robux.

How do you get a popular place on ROBLOX?

To get a popular place on Roblox you should ask your friends to go, make fake accounts and make them go to your real Roblox's place, or save up money, make a GOOD ad (I suggest using and mastering Paint.NET to make your ads), and put it up.