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There are many ways to make money in RuneScape. Here are some that have been provided by our contributors:

*(m) is member only


  • Green Dragons(m) - A great way for members to make money is by killing the green dragons in level 20 wilderness. Be sure to bring armor such as rune, and a good weapon. At a lower level, you will probably need a lot of food. You must bring an anti-dragon shield (or potion) or you will die within a few seconds from the dragon's fire breath. Wilderness is now pvp area so take items you are willing to lose.
  • Hill Giants - These will drop big bones 100% of the time and possibly a limpwurt root. Collect a full inventory of big bones and limpwurt roots, go to the bank and repeat. They are located in the Edgeville Dungeon, but you can get there much quicker by buying a brass key and using the ladder in a small house south-west of the Grand Exchange. As these are a fairly low level, there is no need for much food.
  • Cows - A common way for non-members is to kill the cows located in Lumbridge, pick up their hides, and sell them in the grand exchange for about 120-150 gp each.
  • Aviansies(m) - These are in God Wars Dungeon, located in the southwest region of the dungeon. They drop noted adamantite bars (four at a time), poisoned rune daggers and runite limbs. Pick up the swordfish and clue scrolls (they are level three). 60 strength or 60 agility is needed to enter the God Wars Dungeon. You must have completed Troll Stronghold, also.
  • Dark Wizards - If you can kill a level 20 wizard in 1-2 hits then go to the ruins at the entrance to Varock with little or no food and start killing the level 20 Dark Wizards, they will drop runes and the more valuable runes like cosmic or nature runes will sell for about 8k in 10 minutes for me a level 72.
  • Feathers - When you kill a chicken they drop 5-10 feathers and low levels sell these for profit. However in members worlds the feathers are worth about 3gp more which when selling 20k feathers can be a lot of money.
  • Frost Dragons - Frost Dragons can be found in the hidden resource dungeon in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, south of Asgarnia. The dungeon requires level 85 Dungeoneering to enter, making it an option for higher-leveled players. Frost Dragons drop Frost Dragon Bones, which are of a very high value on the Grand Exchange. Noted items such as grimy herbs and stackable items such as Death Runes are common drops. These factors, particularly Frost Dragon Bones, make this a lucrative money-making method for high-level players, who can earn over 350k per inventory of Frost Dragon Bones. High level player with Yak pack, Overload, Turmoil with Dwarf Multicannon can make upto 2.5m to 3m per hour. It also drops Draconic Visage


  • Yew Logs - These are a very good way to make money as they are in demand by fletchers. You need level 60 woodcutting to cut yew trees. They can be found in many places, but the most common areas are south of Falador, south of Camelot, behind the Varrock castle, and near the entrance to the Edgeville dungeon. Yew logs are worth 400-480 gp.
  • Magic Logs(m) - These are very slow to obtain, and there are very few magic trees. However, they are worth a massive 1.2-1.3k each! Magic trees require level 75 woodcutting and can be found in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, behind the Ranging Guild, near the Mage Training Arena, and southwest of Lletya.


  • Lobsters - These are a somewhat good way to make money for less experienced fishers that have at least level 40 fishing. For non-members, they can be fished in Karamja and banked at Draynor Village. For members, they are fished at Catherby, and the Fishing Guild. Raw lobsters sell for 300-330 gp each on the Grand Exchange.
  • Monkfish(m) - A very good way for members to make money with fishing monkfish. You need at least level 62 fishing to fish these, and also need to complete the 'Swan Song' quest. They are fished at the Piscatoris Fishing Colony and are sold for 350-450 gp each. They're also very good fishing EXP.
  • Sharks(m) - These are quite slow to fish, but they get faster at a higher fishing level. These can be fished at the Fishing Guild or Catherby and require level 76 fishing. A raw shark can be sold for around 1000 GP on the Grand Exchange.
  • Swordfish - You have to be a fishing level of 50. 27 swordfish are worth about 10-11k. Cooking them also gives you lots of experience but you lose money by cooking.


  • Essence - To mine any essence you must complete the 'Rune Mysteries' quest. Non-members have access to rune essence, which can be sold for about 44 gp each. If you are a member and have at least 30 mining, then you can mine pure essence, which are worth 150-160 gp each. The most common essence mine is located in the rune shop in eastern Varrock. Also, if you have are a member and have at least level 66 magic, then it is recommended to use the Magic Guild's essence mine as it's closer to a bank. The Magic Guild is located in Yanille.
  • Iron Ores - A few iron rocks can be found southeast of Varrock. This isn't the best way to make money, but it is somewhat good for non-members. All you need is level 15 mining, and iron ore can be sold for 90-110 gp each.
  • Gold Ores - A very good way to make money, especially for members. You must have level 40 mining to mine gold ores, and they sell for 500-560 gp each.
  • Coal Ores - Coal is a pretty good way to make money. They sell for 160-180 gp each. Level 30 mining is required. The best locations for coal are the dwarven mines, the mining guild (if you have at least level 60 mining), and for members the coal mine which is west of Seers' Village.
  • Runite Ores - Since rune requires level 85 mining and rune rocks are very rare, rune ore is worth 15-18k each! There are a few rune rocks in the deep wilderness, and one rock in the Heroes Guild dungeon. Players with level 45 Dungeoneering can access the Mining Guild Resource Dungeon, which contains 3 runite rocks.
  • Red Chinchompas(m) - Are a good way to make money if you have at least level 66 hunter. They are located north of Oo'glog, and can be sold for 600-700 gp each.
  • Puro-puro(m) - Get hunter level to 91(88 and hunter potion), this level you can catch all impling including Kingly impling(450k-500k), Dragon impling(approx 280k), Magpie impling(19k), Ninja impling(17k) and Nature impling(loot gives torsol seed which is 300k, rannar, grimy dwarf seeds), Zombie impling(gives varities of bones including dragon bone, curved bone, long bone, oaurg bone) and Spirit impling (charms). Go to Puro puro minigame, catch Kingly Impling. Average you can find 1 Kingly Impling in one hour to one and half hour or more if you are lucky. If you dont find any of these big impling in 3-4 round go to next world and another. I suggest to sell Kingly, Dragon, Ninja and Magpie jar in G.E.
  • Herblore(m) - Gather these secondary herblore ingredients, and then sell them on the grand exchange.
    • Chocolate Dust
    • White Berries
    • Toad's Legs
    • Snape Grass
    • Mort Myrie Fungi
    • Potato Cactus


  • PvP worlds (Player vs. Player) - Killing another player is a good way to make money if you are a good pker. You will get all the items your opponent is wearing or is in his inventory unless he uses one item protection or not skulled(3 item protected) both are useless in higher risk wilderness world.
  • Duel Arena Staking - It is one of the best way to earn money if you are a good dueller. You can stake any amount of money if you are member. You can make lots of million or billion in one day.
  • Duel Tournaments(m) - A pretty good way if you are high combat and have good armor, weapons, food, potions, etc.
  • Fist of Guthix - Play for awhile until you have around 300 tokens, then you can buy an item worth about 90k. Have it uncharged then you can sell it on the Grand Exchange.
  • Barrows(m) - A pretty good way if you have a high magic level, at least 43 prayer and can buy a lot of prayer potions. Occasionally you will get a piece of barrows armor which can sell for quite a bit, depending on what it is.
  • Pest Control(m) - Each time your team wins a round of Pest Control, you will win coins (if you have dealt at least 50 damage). The amount is your combat level multiplied by ten. Requires at least level 40 combat.
  • Managing your Kingdom(m) - Once you have completed the quests Throne of Miscellania and Royal Trouble, you can use this very easy way to make money. This game will make you about a million gp every 12 days. It requires about a half hour maintenance every so often to keep it running and you need to put up some money to get it started, but it is a wonderful money maker and everyone should use it.
  • Sorceress Garden(m) - Recently herbs have prices haev been sky rocketing due to the Herblore update. Depends on you thieving level you can takes herbs instead of squirks for a reward for one run.


  • Herb Farming(m) - You can make millions by farming ranarrs. The only requirement is level 32 farming. First, take all of the money you have and buy some ranarr seeds at the Grand Exchange for 21-23k each. It is also recommended that you also buy super compost, as you will get more herbs and the herbs will get diseased a lot less. When you harvest the herbs, you get an average of six, but it is possible to even get up to 12. Each herb sells for about 6K each, so you can sell the ranarrs for 36K and make a 12K profit. The locations where you can plant herb seeds are north of Ardounge, north of Catherby, south of Falador, west of the Ectofuntus, and the disease-free patch unlocked after My Arm's Big Adventure above the Troll Stronghold. When you have planted a ranarr seed in each of the herb patches, log off for about an hour. When you log back on, just harvest the ranarrs and then plant more seeds! There is a chance that they might die, but it isn't that common. Its the same for other herb seeds.
  • Spinning Flax(m) - For members who have at least ten crafting, this is a pretty good way to make money. Just buy as much flax as you can afford, and then go to the Lumbridge Castle and use the spinning wheel on the second floor. To bank, go up the stairs to the third floor and use the bank up there. Flax costs about 75-85 gp each, and bowstring can be sold for 160-190 gp each, so you make nice profit.
  • Clue Scrolls(m) - You can get some items that are worth quite a lot, but it is very rare. When you do level three clue scrolls, you will usually always get various rune items. Elite clue scroll rewards are worth 200k to lots of millions.
  • The Grand Exchange - The easiest, least time consuming, and suprisingly, the easiest to enjoy. Simply put an item you don't need or don't want and put it in the Grand Exchange. If someone wants to buy that item, the Grand Exchange will exchange your item for their gold. You have to wait a while, but you can pick up your payment at any bank in Runescape. Likewise, you can buy items from the Grand Exchange, and pick up the item in any bank.
  • Air Running - Get 25 rune essence and an air talisman and go to the air temple (just before Barbarian Village on the left), in world 16, and trade someone who says "open". They will give you 25 noted essence and usually 1k or more. then go to bank and trade in noted for unnoted, and repeat this process. (There are not many people nowadays saying "open")
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15y ago

Get some resources. You might try mining, killing cows, fishing, or woodcutting. Once you have some money, you can also get more money through trading, but this is risky - you can gain money, but you can also lose some money.

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