Go varrock. Head ear the chaos alter. There should be a fence u may have to open. walk into that area. and go to the fur shop. tlak to him and he will tell u how many furs u need to bring him for a certain piece of clothing
The Runescape Bounty Hunter was put in Runescape to replace the Wilderness. The Wilderness was a place where you could attack other players and was taken out because one person might put a Runescape Bot in the Wilderness with anything the rule-breaker wants to transfer and he is level 3, so you can beat him easly and he will drop the stuff you put on him, but unforunitly, Runescape bounty hunter is on 2 or 3 worlds so it is crowded and more than 1 person might attack the bot.
The ice hunting area near relekka.In RuneScape, polar kebbits can be found in the Trollweiss hunter area.
No F2p can not get any Hunter xp or any Members skill xp like Summoning, Fletching, or Thieving.
You will need a teasing stick, this can be bought at the hunter shop in Yanille.
ask people to make a account or advertise runescape on the web
Catch implings with 80 hunter. But homes, what if you dont have 80 hunter?!
At a hunter master or grand exchange. If you have lunar magic , you can make hunter pack with certain runes.
ive heard many people get really rich from hunter i dont know the exact amount but i imagine a lot
Work your way up to 63 hunter and hunt carnivorous chinchompas until 99 hunter. It's the fastest and easiest way to get 99 hunter and you make a lot of money on the way.
I make money by catching implings. Get 80 hunter and you will be rich as me :D
its in the centre of the wilderness
Woodlands hunter area.
Bounty hunter world returned to Runescape in 2007. There was a subsequent release in 2009 and updates were made for improvement for an additional release in 2011
Chincompas and salamanders/lizards
well i don't know how but u can make it with lvl 44 wc (woodcutting) with the wood craft thing.
I don't think so, but bounty hunter does not exist in Runescape anymore. You have to use bounty worlds instead (like world 18).
Do it yourself, n00b.