

Best Answer

you must find flint and tender and coal

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Q: How do you make gunpower in Minecraft?
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What can you make with gunpowder in Minecraft?

tnt. you do this but getting 5 gunpower and a bit of sand. go on minecraft wiki for more help.

Gunpower was invented by the?


Which dynasty created gunpower?


Is gunpower explodeing a physical property?

No, it is a chemical reaction.

What are China's invention?

the chinese invented gunpower and fireworks

Why did you make Minecraft?

I didn't make Minecraft.

What date did China invented gunpower?

Near the year 800.

Where is the gunpower in Poptropica?

In the time tangled quest on the chiniase town.

Who was the king the the gunpower tried to blow up?

king john

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How do you make a key in Minecraft?

There are no keys in minecraft!

Which important Chinese invention occurred in 868 AD?

The invention of gunpower :)