Glowstone is crafted by 4 glowstone (as shown in the screenshot) lined into a 2x2 box in the bottom left of the crafting table interface.
You make Glowstone Blocks with 4x Glowstone Dust in a square formation, on your crafting grid.
Its called a redstone lamp. It is crafted with a glowstone in the middle and four pieces of redstone around it.
You get Glowstone Dust from breaking blocks of Glowstone, you get 2-4 from each block.
look it up on minecraft wiki, it really depends of what light, whether it is fire, glowstone or lava.
to make a portal to heaven you need glowstone and put the water in it
You make Glowstone Blocks with 4x Glowstone Dust in a square formation, on your crafting grid.
You can find glowstone in the Nether.
Its called a redstone lamp. It is crafted with a glowstone in the middle and four pieces of redstone around it.
You get Glowstone Dust from breaking blocks of Glowstone, you get 2-4 from each block.
look it up on minecraft wiki, it really depends of what light, whether it is fire, glowstone or lava.
If you mean Glowstone Dust, you get it from breaking blocks of Glowstone, found in the Nether.
to make a portal to heaven you need glowstone and put the water in it
In my opinion it's "I'll Make Some Cake" but i also like "Glowstone Love".
Get the mod and usually its glowstone or another block the creator of the mod has added in.
Its in the new update
The best way to mine Glowstone from in Minecraft is to enchant a pickaxe with Silk Touch and mine the GLowstone in the Nether. This way you can get the whole block without risking just getting two glowstone dust instead of the four you need to craft it.
First, you must install the Aether mod (which is huge, by the way.) Then, in order to make an aether portal, you must have at least 14 glowstone blocks. Build it like this: XXXX XooX XooX XooX XXXX X = Glowstone o = Air When you're done, pour water in the interior of the glowstone. This will make a portal to Aether.