Right click on the furnace. You put something to smelt in the top box e.g iron ore and you put something for it to burn on in the bottom box e.g coal.
under the fire picture put wood or coal.
You can't.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
No, charcoal is made by burning wood in a furnace.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
under the fire picture put wood or coal.
Sorry, but it is impossible to make bedrock in a furnace without using some sort of mod.
You can't.
To access a furnace in minecraft, simply click it!!!! Its that easy!!
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.
No, charcoal is made by burning wood in a furnace.
You get raw beef by killing cows, and you make it into steak by cooking it in a furnace.
All you need to do is right click the furnace and add some sort of combustible material (such as coal and wood) in the bottom square. Then, if the three flames begin light up, you furnace will be burning.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
By smelting Gold Ore, you produce Gold Ingots.
Cook sand inside of a furnace. Sand not Sandstone.