well roblox is not really a leveling up game. Roblox is more of a game where you make games and play games and meet up with people. So unless you are talking about how to level up in a game in roblox you cannot level up.
look this up on youtube- How To Get Free Chat On Roblox (2012)
Roblox Made a game from the ground up including modifying an existing scripting language to make it suite their needs.
Build mode is set up by opening Roblox Studio. When you get in, click the "New" button. This will make a new game where you can build.
Search "transparent roblox" on Google. The first thing to come up is a tutorial. Click the second link BELOW that, and there is a free roblox transparent shirt template in there.
C4 and a detonator
The C4 is used to blow up large crates the CTs are supposed to save from destruction.
C4 TNT Shotgun RPG Gunpowder Pipebomb
hold down the button you use to throw it
grab a rocket launcher and blow up everything. But be careful your account could be deleted.
C4 is an plastic explosive commonly used to demolish (blow up) old buildings and other unwanted structures. It's not commonly used or at all used in combat because it is a somewhat unwieldy explosive.
well roblox is not really a leveling up game. Roblox is more of a game where you make games and play games and meet up with people. So unless you are talking about how to level up in a game in roblox you cannot level up.
look this up on youtube- How To Get Free Chat On Roblox (2012)
You can shoot them for a good while or blow them up with some type of explosive, like C4
It's very powerful. Anyone standing near it when it blows up will be killed. In some maps, it will blow things up that can't be blown up with a gun. But C4 is mostly used to demolish unwanted buildings and structures. It is hard to detonate and is too unwieldy to use in direct combat.
Roblox Made a game from the ground up including modifying an existing scripting language to make it suite their needs.
You simply press the lethal button to throw press again or double tap x(square on ps3) to blow it up.