

Best Answer

Armor can be made out of these materials: Leather, Gold ingots, iron ingots, diamonds.

Leather is the weakest, Gold is somewhat stronger but it has very low durability, iron is somewhat in the middle, and diamond armor is by far the strongest.

Chain armor also exists, but it is impossible to craft. You need to get it as a rare drop from killing Zombies, or by villager trading.

To craft a helmet:

[X] [X] [X]

[X] [_] [X]

[_] [_] [_]

To craft a chestplate:

[X] [_] [X]

[X] [X] [X]

[X] [X] [X]

To craft a pair of leggings:

[X] [X] [X]

[X] [_] [X]

[X] [X] [X]

To craft a pair of boots:

[X] [_] [X]

[X] [_] [X]

[_] [_] [_]

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Q: How do you make armour on minecraft?
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What can you make out of leather in minecraft?

You can use it to make armour, in the same way as you can make it from Iron Ingots.

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It's the same thing as Minecraft on PC. You get the diamonds and you craft it.

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Kill cows. They will drop leather and you can make leather armour.

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What can you make with iron ingots in minecraft?

You can make bucket, shears, iron tools and armour. Google it if you don't know the recipes.

How do you auto equip on Minecraft?

Right-click the held armour.

What do you do with with diamods on Minecraft?

you can make diamond armour, weapons and tools. you can also make diamon blocks and use them like you do with wood or dirt and any other block.

How many diamonds does it take to make full diamond gear in Minecraft?

It takes 26 diamonds to make the armour and 11 for the tools, that's 38 diamonds in total.

What is so special about xp in Minecraft?

XP in minecraft us very important, it is used when enchanting tools, armour, weapons and on an anvil to name, repair and also combine enchanted books with weapons, armour and tools. Happy Minecrafting!

Is chain mail protection 1 better then iron armour Minecraft?

they're the same