click on tribe(it is next to reports) write a tribe name, and it's initials, and then start inviting people. If they join then make sure they are active.
Make a recruiter invite the members from the tribe merging. At the end make the last person disband the tribe then, invite them too.
to get a free premium account on tribal wars ( world 30) get over 1000 points and you should get a report about it. By the way on world 30 my name is Myerlin i have 3 villlages my tribe is CT if you play tribal wars and you want to join my tribe or want to be allies just contact me. ok.
yes tribal wars is a game
Google Zaiinys Tribal Wars Bot, works great.
No there are currently no cheats for tribal wars servers.
Make a recruiter invite the members from the tribe merging. At the end make the last person disband the tribe then, invite them too.
By clan you mean tribe I believe and in that case you just go on to the button that says tribe which is on the top of the screen and from there just make the name of your tribe, etc...
No one will accept you if you are weak. But if you do want to join as tribe, then ask the that tribe leader and he invites you, then your in!
to get a free premium account on tribal wars ( world 30) get over 1000 points and you should get a report about it. By the way on world 30 my name is Myerlin i have 3 villlages my tribe is CT if you play tribal wars and you want to join my tribe or want to be allies just contact me. ok.
you invite them to your tribe to do this you must go to there profile and prees invite to tribe and they may accept or may not
it depends if you are the founder of the tribe or not here's what you have to do if you're not the founder when you first log in click on the little icon in the corner that says tribe then click on the button on the top of the private announcement that says leave tribe click that that it would make you leave the tribe.
you just press tribe and then found one or if you want to join one you can ask other players already in a tribe to send you an invite hope this helps
After choosing a tribe you want to ally with , it is essential to spend adequate time building a relationship at first or you may anger the tribe when asking. After building a relationship, click on the tribe's profile and find the information available for the tribe leader and mail him/her your request directly.
yes tribal wars is a game
There are no cheats in the game Tribal Wars.
disband your tribe, go the properties and click on disband tribe at the bottem. _____ note: this destroys the tribe. But it does let you leave. You can also set another member as duke and then leave if you dont want the tribe destroyed completly.
i have one how about pointless destruction or name it whatever world you are in and put conquerors after it.