You can't, there is no such thing as a mermaid potion. If you want to become a mermaid on the Sims the only way to do so is by downloading a pre-made mermaid Sim.
You can just search online for mermaid tails.That's what I did and I got an awesome mermaid tail.
make the sims toy want to be fell in love with drink it. by clicking ont them then click drink love potion x
In the Sims 3 Island Paradise your sims can become a mermaid. In order to become a mermaid, a mermaid must give you the mermaid kelp or in life time rewards you can purchase it. Your sim must be human to become a mermaid (not a vampire, wolf, etc.)
You can't actually become a mermaid but you can download mermaid outfits, that is the closest you can get to being one.
xm sims is where you find it
There is no such thing as a mermaid potion.
You have to be friend's with or be a scientist to make a potion.And if your trying to make a mermaid potion you have to mix fish DNA with human DNA .Good Luck
can you make a potion in sims 2 pets? a potion to turn sims in to mermaids or sim plants,etc...
i dont kown
There is no cheat for being a mermaid (which SUCKS) but there is a mod on The Sims Mods.
You can NOT make a potion to become a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and there is NOTHING that can turn you into a mermaid. It is all make believe.
U can not find a mermaid on sims 2. You can make one though.
You can just search online for mermaid tails.That's what I did and I got an awesome mermaid tail.
No, im afraid you cannot, you could make somewhat of a mermaid in the sims 2, but theyve taken all things like that out of the sims 3 and made it a relatively normal game.
No such thing.