Go to any guild affairs officer in any of the three major cities and click make a guild. Note you must be level 20 and their is a fee (i do not remember).
soalnya aku main
You first need a Guildalogem. Once you have one can take it to the Guild temple in Amakna and make the guild in the back room.
Ask for an invite to A guild. Only Officers, Leaders, or The Founder of a Guild can Invite You. You can also make your own guild
in a player owned house, cooking guild or the grand exchange off another player.
Go to the Grand Exchange and buy them.. i think they also might be in the cooking guild EAt them and you will poo them out!
Type in grand fantasia on google.com. Click on the first option. Click download on the front page. It's to the right of the screen. It comes as an icon on your desktop screen.
like a beserker!
The game is autosave
Grand Fantasia operates on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) -4.
rep quests
yah it does
You have to be 13 and up
soalnya aku main
i don't think so :(
No, there aren't any.