There is no brass in MineCraft without mods.
I don't think you can.
To make an iron golem, you must arrange 4 iron blocks in a T-shape like this: I I I I Then you must place a pumpkin on the top in the middle. The iron golem will automatically spawn and it will defend you from mobs.
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You can't make a diamond golem in vanilla minecraft right now. You would have to install a mod to allow you to do that. I don't know if they have updated the More Golems Mod Recently though. Stick with the iron ones bro.
As of yet, you cannot make a snow golem in Minecraft PE. This will come in a future update.
There is no brass in MineCraft without mods.
I don't think you can.
To make an iron golem, you must arrange 4 iron blocks in a T-shape like this: I I I I Then you must place a pumpkin on the top in the middle. The iron golem will automatically spawn and it will defend you from mobs.
Iron golem and snow golemIron golem: make a T with 4 blocks of iron and a pumpkin on top Snow golem: two snow blocks stacked on top ofeach otherwith a pumpkin on top
P S S P is pumpkin S is snowblock
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
i am in belief that you can not make any types of golems in minecraft xbox 360 edition but it may be possible to make a snow golem. iron golems as far as i am aware of would require a villager nearby to fight aggressive npcs.
To make an iron golem, place a pumpkin on top of 4 iron blocks in a T shape.
Currently only 2, the Iron Golem and the Snow Golem, but there are many mods which have more.