Well You Need to Name Your Clan Something Like Fire Clan or something then make a epic uniform for your Clan Then Make The Clan PLaces Like Fire Clan HQ
There are many non-official "clans" on Roblox. To join a clan you have to find the clan leader and ask him/her.
I think the best clan is Draco Clan or UFR Clan.
Roblox Assault Recon
Royal Roblox Peacemakers (RRP)
click group admin on the right.
There are many non-official "clans" on Roblox. To join a clan you have to find the clan leader and ask him/her.
I think the best clan is Draco Clan or UFR Clan.
Roblox Assault Recon
Royal Roblox Peacemakers (RRP)
Most likely F.E.A.R.
click group admin on the right.
You make a clan and call it ninja clan
U make a roblox with cheeze
If u want to make a clan name go to the clan chat icon then go clan setup then write your clan name no, i want to make a clan signature not a clan.
to make a clan on call of duty 4 you make a clan tag and get some more ppl to do the same the best way to make a clan and have clan battles is to go onhttp:/gamebattles.com on gamebattles you can make a clan and find more ppl to invite to your clan
Join a fan made group/ clan or join a group
ShimmyJimmy124 is a character in the Massive Multiplayer Game, ROBLOX. ShimmyJimmy124 owns a clan called SJ Army. SJ Army is challenging F.E.A.R. (Also a clan on ROBLOX) owned by Sonicthehedgehogxx, Sonic and FEAR do not see SJ Army as a threat because it is small. only about 30 members.