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Hit start, highlight all programs, go to accessories, open paint, then draw your background, save it somewhere as a bitmap file (.bmp)and then in pivot hit load background then open the picture you made.

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Q: How do you make a background in Pivot StickFigure Amimator?
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Where can you make stick anime?

You can make it in flash or in pivot stickfigure animator.

What programs can make stick animations?

Pivot Stickfigure Animator 3.0

Is there any website that you can make your own pivot stickfigure animation?

No, you need to download it

Is there a good software to make stick figure computer games?

Pivot Stickfigure Animator 2.2.5

How do you make ben 10 pivot?

First, you click file, then click stickfigure creator, make Ben 10 stuff! P.S, if you have Pivot 3 Beta, you can make sprites.

What is the cost to download the software called 'Pivot'?

There are several software programs returned when searching for Pivot. Two of these are Pivot Stickfigure Animator and PowerPivot. Pivot Stickfigure is a program that allows one to make an animated gif using stickfigures. The software is available as a free download from CNET. PowerPivot is an extension to Excel 2010 and 2013 and is available as a free download from Microsoft.

How can you make a stick dude come to life on your computer?

you can make it with a program called pivot stickfigure animator,but you need to download first

How do you get backgrounds for pivot animator?

go to paint make a file save as bitmap then on pivot go file, load background

What is a .piv file?

A .piv file, from my knoladge, is a file that is saved using a program calle pivot stickfigure animator. Unfortunantly, I have not found how to change the file to a .gif file. from what I know, pivot is that only software used to make avatars for game sites, avatars that move instead of stay still. If you try to save a pivot file as a .gif, it will fail and not save. I am looking for help on that too. Sorry for explaning everything.

How do you get back grounds for pivot?

just make a picture then load background in the file menu then choose the picture you made

Where can you get a pistol for pivot stick figure animator?

Here's the thing, you can either search the web, or you can make it yourself on pivot, like I did. Simply get a stickfigure, then click edit. (BTW I have version 2.2.5) Delete all the segments of the character until you just have an orange dot. make a line straight up then straight across, adjust till it looks like a gun with an appropiate size. If you wish make the line smaller with the down arrow,(on the left) and make a line for the trigger. Happy Creating!

How can you make visual effects and special effects by a projector for kids?

Pivot is a stick animation that can't have any background. It is as easy as blinking, and dead fun.