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rat + pouch = tasmanian devil

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Q: How do you make a Tasmanian devil on alxemy?
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How do you make Tasmanian devil on alxemy?

rat + pouch = tasmanian devil

How do you make a Tasmanian devil in alxemy?

pouch + rat

How do you make Tasmanian devil in Alxemy?

pouch + rat

How do you make a Tasmanian devel?

Find a Tasmanian and give him courses in computer programming.You can't "make" a Tasmanian Devil (unless you're another Tasmanian Devil, in which case you find a Tasmanian Devil of the opposite sex and get busy).

How do you make a Devil on alxemy?

Rat + pouch = Tazmanian devil.

How do you make devil in alxemy?


How do you make a devil alxemy?


How does a Tasmanian Devil make its home?

The Tasmanian devil often uses old wombat burrows, hollow logs or caves for its home.

How do you spell tasmanian devil?

Tasmanian devil is the correct spelling.

Does a Tasmanian devil eat another Tasmanian devil?

Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

Does the Tasmanian devil live in the desert?

No, the Tasmanian devil does not live in the desert.

What is the status of a Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.