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You have to b bc, tbc or obc and you go into ur character and when your in t shirts press create and a add a pic from ur computer :D

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Q: How do you make a T-shirt on roblox with a mac?
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Do they make Roblox studio for Mac?

No, at the moment you can not get Roblox studio for the Mac but they are making a version for the mac.

Why won't roblox for mac download on iMac G5?

ROBLOX has been trying to make ROBLOX work on Mac but as of begining of April of 2011 it still doesn't work. A bar when your signed in will say if it works and keep up with ROBLOX news, that will say it.

How do you download roblox to the macmini?

Unfortunately, you cannot download Roblox or play it on a Mac. This is because Roblox is an Windows only game. Roblox does plan to become compatible with Mac computers in the future

How do you copy and paste in roblox Mac?

There is no way to copy/paste on roblox for mac. SORRY NOOB!

How do you make a shirt on Roblox when you are on a Mac?

Roblox shirts can be made on macs the same way they are made on PCs. Open a template with your favorite photo editing program, create the shirt, log on to Roblox, and upload the shirt. Everything on the Roblox website works the same way on a Mac as it does on a PC, except that you can't play or edit games on a Mac.

When will there be Roblox on macs?

We do not know exactly when Roblox will come out for Mac. Since it is in testing I would guess that it will probably come out sometime in 2012. Roblox can, of course, already be played on mac but only on the test server.

How do you use models if your computer is a mac on roblox?

Go to (Mac only) For ROBLOX Studio download. ROBLOX studio for Mac is in Beta testing and will come out very soon, As there are still some bugs. But go to that site and download Studio!

Can you download roblox with hp?

Yes, the only thing that won't work with ROBLOX is Mac.

How do you uninstall roblox on mac?

Drag it to the trash.

Why doesnโ€™t roblox work?

maybe you have a mac maybe you don't have the new windows 7 if you have a mac go to future shop and buy virtual platform

Is there a game like roblox for Mac?

Minecraft is a cool & fun game that is compatible with Mac.

How do you open Roblox studio on Roblox?

Select the application from your applications folder (Mac) go to the menu and type in Roblox Studio (PC)