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To make a plant sim you have to have the Sims 2 Seasons.. Then have the person you want to make a plant sim spray A LOT of trees until a cloud forms around them and they are a plant sim.( the cloud is like when someone attacks them)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

OK, so first of all it's not a plant person, it's called a plantsim. Basically, you need the sims 2 seasons expansion pack, and then you need to buy loads of trees that bear fruit. If you select them, it says spray. Spray them over and over and over and eventually this cloud covers your sim and when it clears you're a plantsim. Tada! :-)

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Q: How do you make a Plant person on Sims 2?
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You need Sims 2 Seasons.When you get it, do CTRL + SHIFT + C and type in the box at the topboolprop testingcheatsenabled truewhen you type that, SHIFT + Click on your sim and scan through the list until you see something like Make me a Plant Sim.Hoped this helped :)

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You must have The Sims 2 Seasons. In the neihboorhood, hit CTRL+SHIFT+C , type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true ,or boolprop testingcheatsenabled on , they both do the same thing. Go to the house of your victem, shift+click on any tree and chosse INFECT, have your sims spray for hours and evenchly, they'll become plant sims.

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