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Unless you work for the LEGO Club, you can't really makea Lego Club page.

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Q: How do you make a LEGO club page?
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How to get LEGO club magazine module on my LEGO network?

You have to be a Lego club member in order to get Lego club magazine module on my Lego network. you do this by either getting the actual magazine or going to Lego club and typing in MAGAWARD. then make the badge, befriend Max, and trade on his page. Lego Network Username: Nathan6342

How do you get Lego club personal page?

You must first make an account, then edit your mln personal page.

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You had to be a Lego club page member, but my Lego network replaced that. (that was dumb)

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There will be a sign in and sign up button on the top right of their page. Sign in or make an account.

What is a LEGO club personal page?

you just go to the Lego club homepage and look in the top right hand corner and it gives you a choice, you can either sign up or sign in, so click sign up if you don't already have a Lego club page and then follow the steps from there.

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I know that one code is LEGOWORLD2009

How do you make friends with max on my Lego network?

To be Max's friend on MLN go to the LEGO club website. In the club code box type in "MAGAWARD" in caps without quotes and then click submit. Next, go to the bottom of the page and get a LEGO club magazine badge. Finally build it and go to Max's page, click "add friend" then he well give you mail with something in it, and he's your friend! Hope I helped! Oh, and to be my friend I'm glowpenny on MLN.

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max has it on his page for 25 yellow bricks.

How do you get a LEGO club magazine on my LEGO network?

You subsrice to club lego using your acount.

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Where to find Toa Nuva instructions?

go to Lego club login or register go to bionicle konca club building instructions page 10 and 11entaimaster

How do you get the LEGO club badge in my LEGO network?

Simply type in MAGAWARD on the Lego clubcodes and maxwill give you the badge make it and befriend Max JmanandDaman (me)