There is no way to make zombies wear leather armor, but sometimes zombies can naturally spawn already wearing the armor.
you can unless you make it in shirts or pants.
iron diamond gold and leather
you make paladin armor with them you put the talisman together with any kind of old guard armor
Nope, because there is no black ores, to make black bars to make the armour.
Anywhere really. Armor drops from monsters, players can sometimes make shoulder armor, or you can often buy (horrible) armor in even small towns. The auction house has some but you'll want to stay away from that till you get a real feeling for the game.
Yes, They did go ascend super sayian but they didn't go ultra super sayian because ultra super sayian slow them down and they don't want any thing slow them down against Broly, The ultra super sayian surpass legendary super sayian the ultra super sayian is stronger but they are slow if they goes ultra super sayian they will make a challenge, if Gohan goes super sayian 2 he will kill Broly and make sure he don't survive.
they didn't make one.
you can change the armor color if you make a custom map:)
There is no way to make zombies wear leather armor, but sometimes zombies can naturally spawn already wearing the armor.
Helmet Scout Body Tactical patrol Left shoulder recon Right shoulder Default with knife actually ir is all the same except that right shoulder is scout and wrist is the red pad one and the knees are the 3rd ones and the thigh thing is the 3rd one!
Officially Pan bloodline is too diluted, in reality: the creator couldn't figure out how to make a female super sayian
they made armor to protect the army for when they went to war.
you dont make cloths you make armor. to get cloths you need a texture pack see link in related links to find armor instructions.
you can't
A forest & desert dragon should make an armor dragon.