

Best Answer

Give them massages in Velistone. Catch them in a luxury ball, or feed them berries to boost their friendliness. But you can't make them love you the second you catch them. It takes time. Feed them their favorite flavor poffin. This does not work if they do not have a favorite flavor.

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Q: How do you make Pokemon like you more in Pokemon pearl?
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Is Pokemon Platinum better than diamond and pearl?

I believe that Pokemon platinum is better than diamond and pearl because it offers more features, and allows you to do much more cheats and tricks and get more Pokemon through normal game play than Pokemon diamond and pearl. Yes, it is.

What level do Pokemon evolve at on Pokemon Pearl?

All Pokemon evolve at different levels, and some evovle under special circumstances (like Milotic and Riolu). You need to be more specific.

What is better Pokemon Pearl or platinum?

i reckon PLatinum. it has all the new features but doesnt allow some Pokemon to appear in the wild that do in Diamond/ pearl. but platinum also has even rarer Pokemon that don't appear in pearl/diamond. I have all three. YAY

How do you Go to other reagions in Pokemon Diamond or pearl?

I'm very sorry to disapoint you, but I don't belive you can. You could try to get in contact with 'The Pokemon Compony' and suggest a game like Diamond and Pearl to be able to travle to different reigons. Like it may start at the Kanto, then you go to Jhoto and so on and so fourth. For more info. on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, visit

Why is Pokemon diamond so much more popular than Pokemon pearl?

In my opinion, i think that Pearl is a little more girlish, so some of the male population [which probably makes up more of the Pokemon players] may think Diamond is more masculine, compared to a pink pearl. But that's always just been what i think, feel free to disagree with my opinion. After all, it's just an opinion. =] its because more people want dialga but palkia is way better PS i am a boy and i like pearl better and no i am not gay PEARL IS BETTER THAN DIAMOND, AND THAT IS THAT! AND I AM A MALE BY THE WAY! THE STOCK RATES SHOW THAT PEARL SELLS FASTER THAN DIAMOND!! HAHAHA does it matter they have almost the same Pokemon so stop you complaining

Related questions

How do you make a Palkia trust you in Pokemon Pearl?

If you aren't cheating, you can make high level Pokemon obey you by obtaining more badges.

Is there an ar cheat for more then 6 Pokemon in pearl?

You can't have more than 6 Pokemon in your party, but with a PokeSav code, you can make as many Pokemon as you want and store them in the boxes.

Is there any more in Pokemon pearl?

more what?

How do you make 999 of the same Pokemon in pearl?

you can't make the same Pokemon to 999 it is impossible it can be used in action replay to make the more P.C. boxes and clone them with a code

Can you have two saved files in Pokemon pearl?

Sorry you can't, but if you get one more pearl it is like having 2 files on the same game.

What Pokemon are in the Sinnoh pokedex in platinum?

It is the same as Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. If you would like to check the Pokemon please go to to see more info on the Pokemon.

Which is more rated Pokemon Platinum or Pokemon pearl?


Is there more than one master ball in pokemon pearl?

No. You can only get one master ball. But you can get one from a friend or if you have a GBA game like emerald, leafgreen, ruby like those and have a master ball on your GBA save make a Pokemon hold it then in pearl or diamond go to Pal Park and choose the Pokemon with the master ball and 5 others from your box capture all of the Pokemon then you will have theMaster Ball

All Pokemon at level 100 for Pokemon Pearl?

Yes, there is a cheat for all Pokemon to be lvl. 100 in Pokemon pearl. To find more cheats, go to and type in the search box, cheats for Pokemon pearl.

What Pokemon do diamond and pearl have in it?

They have all the Sinnoh pokemon, and some more.

Is Pokemon Platinum better than diamond and pearl?

I believe that Pokemon platinum is better than diamond and pearl because it offers more features, and allows you to do much more cheats and tricks and get more Pokemon through normal game play than Pokemon diamond and pearl. Yes, it is.

Is it worth buying Pokemon platinum if you have Pokemon Pearl?

Yes, mainly because there are many more opportunities to get rarer Pokemon that you couldn't get in Pokemon Pearl without cheating.