Level it up, do NOT let it faint.
Feed it a lot of Proteins, Calciums, Zincs, Irons, Hp ups, and Carbos. Those are expensive so keep in mind.
Dont put it in the PC.
Do that and Eevee will evolve into Espeon or Umbreon (daytime or nighttime
You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon
make friendly at night by rare candy of other items. worked 4 me, works 4 u
NO to get umbreon you make eevee super friendly and then level at night or use moon shard (not on d/p)
Evolve Eevee in the morning with high friendship. Try using the soothe bell. it makes a Pokemon really friendly in a short time.
To make Eevee evolve into a Vaporeon, you have to expose it to a Water Stone.
You can't 'see' an umbreon in Platinum. You have to level an eevee at night, or make it friendly. That counts as catching it and seeing it.
Go to the moss covered rock in Eterna Forest. You have to level up your EEVEE in the forest close to the rock, then your EEVEE will become a LEAFEON. Also to get a glaceon go to the rock near snowpoint that is in the blizzard level up eevee and it will become a glaceon .... To get a flareon use a fire stone on eevee to get jolteon use a thunder stone on eevee and to get a vaporeon use a water stone on eevee .... to get umbreon make your eevee friendly during night to get espeon make it happy during day. ... Stones do not work to evolve eevee into leafeon glaceon espeon or umbreon
Eevee can only be bred by a Ditto or another Eevee. Make sure you have an Eevee of the opposite gender. You can catch any Ditto to breed with. Make sure the Ditto gets along well with Eevee, however.
You have to make Eevee really happy while it's is evolving,there is no certain level that will make Eevee evolve.
It depends on what you want your eevee to become. For example you use a water stone to turn your eevee into vaporeon.
Yes it gives you a baby Eevee!
Get the eevee to a 70% link and then battle with it in Yaksha.
Yes, as long as you haven't bred the espeon (i.e the eevee before you evolved it) from the same ditto and another eevee or eevee-lution.
When Eevee loves you, level it up in the Morning.
Level Eevee up with a happiness value at 220 during the night
make totodile keep on using water gun and make eevee's moves are to be linked
you cant... but you can make an eevee egg at the daycare center using your jolteon and a ditto.