Well in the beginning of the game you can make your self look "hot" lol and you can go to Falador for hair; Varrock for clothes.
Runescape was created in 1999, this is true because if you look on the bottom of the website it says 1999-2013.
Look for the bow emote.
For private server Look on Runelocus.
look on runehq
Look about the site and find out.
runescape 2 is the current runescape runescape 1 is also refered to as runescape classic look it up on wikipedia for a better understanding.
look on the runescape map and for the water sign
if your mom is hot then yes
Only buy runescape membership from their site, look on homepage.
not really because of the graphics
I believe that this is a player's username, if you want you can look up his name in the runescape highscores
runescape classic look it up horrible graphics not nearly as much to do
look at your map
stop being so wierd and delete your runescape account
Look on the Runescape sites knowledge base for this kind of information.
Runescape was created in 1999, this is true because if you look on the bottom of the website it says 1999-2013.
look on this link