You Can't Really Lock The Screen Because It Will Ruin The Screen and Your Progress, I THink You Also Need To Download A Soft Ware If You Want To Lock THe Screen
Next to the Gadget room and the lock code is key.
Sorry but the lock pattern with the blocks and were the lock is varys each time you log in! So i don't think anyone can help here soz!
Ok. You have to be a member to do that. Just go to your igloo. Click on the lock if you are a member, then your igloo is on the map. If you are a nonmember, you can't get your igloo to be on the map. YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER!
Hey everyone. Here is five free club penguin book un-lock codes.Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin:Page 9- SometimesPage 35- MissesPage 38- ScavengerPage 40- ExamplesPage 62- PicturePage 63- HowPage 64- FishingPage 65- StoragePage 71- SeatsPage 71- MusicalPage 73- SearchPage 75- TossingPage 77- BuyingPage 101- DonatedPage 117- JerseysPage 118- SquadsPage 140- BreezePage 141- CombinedPage 143- SecretPage 154- ArenaPage 155- QueenPage 156- SmallPage 169- StartPage 171- AnnualPage 175- CrownPage 176- ItemPage 179- PenguinsPage 182- ActionsClub Penguin Stowaway:Page 6- MysteriousPage 7- RockhopperPage 21- MigratorPage 25- YarrPage 40- WaterfallPage 52- DeckPage 80- PenguinPage 177- PuffleDo not believe me (JK, or am I.....?)
slowly turn the analog stick until the bars on the screen move then wait for a few seconds and then do it again.
ibbu123 password ibdaatdDDHFGF ON CLUB PENGUIN
The code is key. For the lock.
The combination to the lock is key
Next to the Gadget room and the lock code is key.
It opens the lock to the door that leads to the Captain's quarters in Rockhopper's ship, and it is a club penguin pin.
go to sports and yr spy phone will ring. complete it and you will finish it.
in the sports booth the little one upper right
you click on the lock thing at the lower right hand corner
Sorry but the lock pattern with the blocks and were the lock is varys each time you log in! So i don't think anyone can help here soz!
You have to try to crack the lock. You just repeat the pattern that they gave you on the first set.
It's Super easy! And really fun. All you have to do is...... log in and them what you do next is go to the dojo. Once you inside the dojo. Click on the any random penguin. after you have done that, press shift, w ,and caps lock at the same time. Its not acally a hack though cause it is just a secret of club penguin. ok after you have done that a your penguin will automatacly be whereing a wizard shirt and have a wizard hat. Complemented by a want and if you want along beard 2 for you penguin just press lb. at the same time. this may sound really stupid but trust me i have ben playing club penguin for 3 years and have done this many many many times.
The HTC Freestyle has the basic number lock screen, not the pattern lock screen.