Use the HM Flash this is given by the sage at the top of sprout tower.
Teach one of your pokemon 'flash' using a TM/HM
no its impossible to have light type but there is a dark though!
As far as I know you can only get it with Pokemon that already have it. But i expect you could find one in dark places like caves.
Raises if hit by a dark type move
how do you use flash? just go to pokemon and go to the pokemon that knows flash. press A and it will say in blue text "Flash" select that and it will use Flash. it's very useful in dark caves.
Teach a move to a Pokemon that can learn it via HM and then, after defeating Falkner in Violet City, select that Pokemon in your party and select Flash to light up dark caves, such as Dark Tunnel.
Teach it to a Pokemon, then select the Pokemon you taught it to in the party and select Flash.
If by Underground Caves you mean caves where you just have a small radius of light around you, then you talk to the Hiker in Dewford Town caves and get HM Flash from him. Beat the Dewford Town Gym Leader and teach Flash to a suitable Pokemon. When in these caves press the START button and activate your Pokemon team and right click the Pokemon you taught Flash to and activate Flash on the List 1. Talk to Dewford Town Caves Hiker 2. Beat Dewford Town Gym Leader 3. Teach Flash to Pokemon 4. Use in Dark Caves. Viola!
Teach one of your pokemon 'flash' using a TM/HM
Caves are dark because they are deep underground, away from sources of light. Light from the sun does not penetrate deep into the earth, so once you are inside a cave, there is no natural light source to illuminate it.
All you need to do is: talk to the man in artitian cave, and he will give you HM05 (flash). BUT, you can only use it after you have defeated the second gym leader. Once you have, go to the cave's basement, and as you can see it is scary dark. Go and teach the HM to a Pokemon, then press START, and then POKEMON, and go to the Pokemon that knows flash, press A on it, and press flash. As you will notice, the cave will light up. You can not light it up all the way as seen in the older generations of the Pokemon games... This can be used for all caves that are dark. Well I hope this message helped you loads. :)
no its impossible to have light type but there is a dark though!
As far as I know you can only get it with Pokemon that already have it. But i expect you could find one in dark places like caves.
It depends in your playing soul silver or heart gold you catch in one of the dark caves in the water.
the light stone isn't in Pokemon white only the dark stone in white and the light stone in black
the color of a frogs heart, is light blue and dark green
Raises if hit by a dark type move