Catch the fire moth, and there should be two sets of pumpkins with the candles in them. Get the fire bug to light up the first pumpkin on the left, the third from the right, and the farthest right one.
If you watch the moths, they will fly to the pumpkins you need to light.
When you click on the moths they fly to three pumpkins. They are the ones you light.
kind of obvious isn't it?
There's a couple of missions in Club Penguin that you need light. If one of these answers below is not yours, then maybe you don't need light or I skipped it. Mission 2: G's Secret Mission - To make your fire, just feed the black puffle a puffle berry. Mission 3: Case of the missing coins - You find it in the Head Quarters. Mission 8: Mysterious Tremours - Get it at the Dock. Mission 10: Waddle Squad - It should be at the end of the mission. You don't need a flashlight. At the night club, just move the lights above.
A heavy brick is better unless you're Super Mario then you probably prefer a light one.
Get the pieces of the map, some light, and go to the Dock and down the tunnel.
It is the pumpkin with the glasses and the biggest two on the right hand side.
you use the lighter you get from simon growl
light last first and 2 before last
When you click on the moths they fly to three pumpkins. They are the ones you light.
kind of obvious isn't it?
Watch for which pumpkins the moths go to. It may not be the same pumpkins for every player.
This item was sold in one of the shops in Monstro City during the Halloween period.
you light three pumpkins with the fire bug if they are correct the spider will eat them and make a web so simon doesn't fall . last of all simon gives you gabby. if this advice works add aliyam8342
The creepie crawlies in Season 2 Mission 3 are in the Unknown Zone, and you have to ring the bells, blow the horn, have the Hoodoo Lantern from Snaggletooth Swamp, and light up the cave with the lanterns.
You put a tea light inside it.
turn the light off but before you do that open your pouch now drag the key to the botom left corner go to sludge street and go to the house that says FOR RENT
The 'Super Moshi Diary' and the 'Magnifying Glass' have to go on the shelf on the right of the room.The 'Cuddly Human' needs to be on your bed.The 'Iggy Portrait' goes on the table next to your bed.And the 'Spare Super Cape' needs to go on the coat hook next to the shelf where your 'Super Moshi Diary' and the 'Magnifying Glass' are.After you have cleaned up the mess in your dorm room, go to the classroom with Hermitty. You notice the Sonic Sapphire in the shelf above the black board is missing. Pick up the earplugs and go back to your dorm room. Put the earplugs on, then turn off the lights. During the music, turn the light back on. Hermitty will be gone. Click on the key that is on the shelf and turn the light off. Drag the key to the trapdoor to unlock the door, then go in. You will see the Sonic Sapphire on top of the organ. Pick up the Exploding Rox and the slingshot. Go to your inventory and click on your slingshot. Play Slingshot Symphony and shoot the glumps. After you finish the game, Hermitty will come in and give you Penny!