Pets in Maple Story will level up by gaining "closeness" to their owners. One can go about increasing their pet's closeness in the following ways:
Giving commands
Each type of pet responds to a specific set of commands, which will sometimes raise their closeness 1-3 points. To know which commands are effective for your pet, talk to Cloy in Henesys Park. Also, note that using some commands requires the pet to be at a certain level.
Giving Pet Food to a pet whose fullness is under 100 occasionally increases its closeness by 1 point. You can also buy breed-specific treats from the Cash Shop to feed your pet, which will increase its closeness by 100 points (per item). The latter, however, costs real money.
Pet Parks
There are repeatable jump quests available in Henesys Pet Park and/or Ludibrium Pet Walkway, which require you to deliver a letter from an NPC at the bottom of the map to another NPC at the top via a series of obstacle courses. Your pet is awarded a small amount of closeness upon completion.
Some quests, such as Fanzy the Mysterious Cat or Kenta's Advice, offer closeness as a reward.
Pet snack can only be obtained in cash shop.
robo is better than dragon
By becoming a bowman, then once you get to Level 30, you can choose to be a Hunter or a Crossbowman.
its pet park and u have to click up while ur in front of the kittycat behind the bunny for hpq k?. hope this helped! hugs and kisses
All monsters in Victoria Island drop Maple weapons.
Just double click on the player with the pet. You can see the equipments put on it, and how tired it is. The level of a pets are in a tiny box on the bottom of the pets picture.
Buy it with nexon cash
buy from cash shop
They dont attack. At most you can scroll their armor for bonus stats, or even talk trough them using the /Pet command as they reach level 15
Pet snack can only be obtained in cash shop.
The highest level is 200
you level up
I think you will just have to use nx.:p
robo is better than dragon
maplestory doesn't have cheat codes since its maple......
There is no information as to what a skill build for Maple Story is. Maple Story itself, is an MMO game. A skill build is most likely the skill level of a certain character who can build things.