You just have to keep do 2v2 because 2v2 doubles the xp u get this is no hacks cause why hack in a beta game?
NPC or you can use XP boosters
Keep training on epicduel go in 2v2 and keep batteling
there are no cheats, you have to level up the old-fashioned way
If you mean the highest level in the mmorpg 'EpicDuel', then cureently as of 10/28/10, it is the level 32.
personally i would think it is a bounty hunter cause they level up faster than all of the others
The highest lvl on EpicDuel is 34.
the leader of epicduel also known as the creator of epicduel!
As of September 9th, 2010, the level cap is 32. as of september 23rd,2012, the level cap is 36.
Tell me some epicduel codes.
You can level up fast from anything. You can kill monsters or go do quests. Its impossible not to level up fast from killing monsters or doing quests. Unless you are killing very weak monsters like level 1 or something.
level up Im improving that. You can level up fast: Cleaning pads. Buying Furniture/clothes. using your tockets. Giving luv!. Hope thats better than "level up"! From -Shaannon! x
by cheating