Your game must be personal server only builders club can have personal server place when your on the game and your the owner of the place click a payer name then click member and then that player will have tools
Your places are visible to the community by default. If your place is not visible you can make it visible by clicking "My Roblox", then "Places" then clicking make active next to your place. If you had Builders-club and lost it you can only have one active place at a time.
People in builders club (On roblox) Can make, and sell T-Shirts but if your not in builder club in roblox, u cant and if u try it wont let you
Normally there is a setting at the bottom of the screen when playing building games or when building your own place. If not send Roblox a message and let them know. ~LoveX_13
You get on the Games page by having people visit your place. If lots of people visit around the same time, the number of people online at your place will go up. For example, let's say the first game on the Games page has 451 people online at that moment. if you were to have 323 people online, your game would make it to what ROBLOXians call "The Frontpage", which is the Games page.
It is something that will let you change your tickets on roblox but the limit is 100 tickets per day
First, go into Roblox Studio. Next, create a new place. Build whatever you want in the game. Then, when your done. Go to file, and click, "Upload to Roblox". Follow the instructions Roblox gives.
Your places are visible to the community by default. If your place is not visible you can make it visible by clicking "My Roblox", then "Places" then clicking make active next to your place. If you had Builders-club and lost it you can only have one active place at a time.
People in builders club (On roblox) Can make, and sell T-Shirts but if your not in builder club in roblox, u cant and if u try it wont let you
It let's you have fun and some people get really popular from their games.
Normally there is a setting at the bottom of the screen when playing building games or when building your own place. If not send Roblox a message and let them know. ~LoveX_13
You can be a girl on Roblox and in fact there are many of them on Roblox.
—Distribution of food and clothes to the Japanese —build some temporary house to let the people have a place to live
My name is gerardlol5
First of all, whoever made this question has some grammar problems. To become famous on Roblox, make an interesting place people will like. To let people know it's out there, make ads. After a while it'll get boring, so update it often so it stays popular. Although some people might not like the place. Another way is to post on the forms a lot. The last way is to sell clothing. Just advertise them often.
You get on the Games page by having people visit your place. If lots of people visit around the same time, the number of people online at your place will go up. For example, let's say the first game on the Games page has 451 people online at that moment. if you were to have 323 people online, your game would make it to what ROBLOXians call "The Frontpage", which is the Games page.
It is something that will let you change your tickets on roblox but the limit is 100 tickets per day