When you log on, it'll show a Bodyguard Yeti and it will have a message saying: "'You have been banned from Woozworld for bad language''
Impormantly, you cant add another because your banned sometimes you need to wait 9985 hours to play.... WAIT WAIT
i dont know why i got banned on club penguin forever? its not fair. i think its because hacking or swearing.
From what I've experienced, no. Woozworld is completely virus-free as far as I know.
The safety chat, is a way to stop users from typing personal details and swearing. Removing it would get you banned as you'd be typing bad words, that woozworld wouldn't allow.
I'm not sure what your question is, if you mean how can you get unbanned from being banned on woozworld. You can do the following, wait until the ban ends. (which might be a long time) Or, email the support@woozworld.com and beg them to unban you. Thank You
he / she s a famous hacker who got banned turned into an animator
ItDepends On How Long You Got Banned...... If You Got Banned FOREVER You just make a new account or get ALONG with life! Gosh, Don't Be A baby About it! Add Me! c: -Beyonceknowles!
You can talk on woozworld by using the chat box thing :D
You have to contact them to find out.
i dont know but i think but i dont know
Probably not but only if you tell you parents that you got band.
Woozworld Plaza but I dont know exactly where :I
Watex on Club Penguin got banned by breaking the rules. I don't know what Watex you are talking about for Pokemon though.
If she queried the charges, yes.
You can not hack woozworld with any program. Its impossible no matter how hard you try. If you do find a way to hack woozworld and it works (you can't anyway) you will get banned from woozworld forever. Do not try to risk your account by trying to hack.
Impormantly, you cant add another because your banned sometimes you need to wait 9985 hours to play.... WAIT WAIT
i dont know why i got banned on club penguin forever? its not fair. i think its because hacking or swearing.