you must go to professer rowan when your first pokedex is filled up then he will give you the national pokedex and your very first Pokemon that you saw on your reguiler pokedex will be still be there they are located at the bottom of your pokedex.................. hope this helped
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
you cant...
You cant get raikou in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl.But you can get him in a gba Pokemon game and transfer him to your Pokemon pearl or diamond!
Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Heart Gold, Soul Silver and you can trade with Pokemon black/white. You have to complete the game and go to some lab with these scientists. ^ yeah, its called the PokeTransfer lab, but you cant get to it until youve beaten ghestis and stuff iits on the route after black city/white forest.
you have it!
Congratulations you finished the game!!
Pokemon Pearl's game ID is APAE-31D0AFDE.
to get manaphy you need to have the game Pokemon ranger. there is a special mission called "save the precious egg". once you are finished with the level transfer it over to Pokemon diamond and pearl.
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
On Pokemon pearl there are multiple legendary Pokemon. The first true legendary is probbaly palkia. Rotom and spiritomb etc are just sub legendarys. You can also get heatran giratina shaymin and arceus in Pokemon pearl. references,ive finished the game 10 times aswell as platinum and diamond.
you cant because leafgreen is an older game then Pokemon pearl plus its a gameboy advance game.
nothing you have finished the game, but you can get the egg and put it on another game like Pokemon pearl or diamond. Or you could just start it all again
your almost finished the game! after you beat heatran, you got to compleate the national pokedex. after that, battle every trainer in the region. after, get 6 Pokemon level 100. then you beat the game!!!
No. Fire red is a GBA game and Pearl is a DS game.
you can certainly catch Dioxies in the game Pokemon pearl
No. The game you are asking about is actually two games! Yeah. Pokemon Diamond. And Pokemon Pearl. Why do you think they put a slash between the "diamond" and the "pearl"?