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Most legendaries you can only catch one in the ENTIRE GAME. If u want to find out some legendaries then go Google it. Or u can buy some pokedex's and study them like i did. They aren't making another region. There is only five; Sinnoh, Johto, Kanto, Hoen, and i don't know the last one. It is only at least 50 legendaries. All of the other one's are not

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Legendary pokemon are best known for being able to be only caught once in the game. There also best known for being the later entries in the pokedex. Typically these pokemon also feature higher statistics than common pokemon.

Depending on the game you are playing legendary pokemon also have a specific battle theme that plays whenever they appear. Starting in Pokemon Crystal legendary pokemon have gotten there own theme songs such as Suicune.

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All the legendary Pokemon are in the city figure it out and don't all was use this website for Pokemon ok. and it will actually cost 5 dollars to know were all the legendary pokemons are ha haha just kinnding all the legendary pokemons are in the middle of the island

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Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.

Is there going to be a new legendary Pokemon?

Yes. There will be all the Time! Every new season there is a new Legendary Pokemon. Like in Pokemon Black and White. If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!

Is lileep a legendary pokemon?

no lileep is not a legendary pokemon but it is an ancient pokemon

What is the name of the most legendary Pokemon in the world?

I know that there are 2 super rare ultra powerful Pokemon in the whole entire Pokemon world.Those Pokemon are Raquaza and Arceus, but what i know is that RAQUAZA is by far the most and i mean the most powerful ultra legendary in the entire Pokemon world.

Where do you get legendary pokemon on pokemon pearl?

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