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You can kiss if you have good relationship, make sure you build up...flirt then later kiss. It's quite easy.

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Q: How do you kiss in Sims 3?
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Related questions

What game can you kiss in?

you can kiss in the sims 3

Can kids kiss on the sims 3?

no kids can't kiss

How do you kiss other sims on My Sims 3?

you have to get to know the sim you are wanting to kiss, and you will be able to kiss them faster if you have the "great kisser" trait.

Can you be lesbian in sims 3 ambitions?

Yes ! You can kiss and woo hoo.

Can you have a baby on The Sims?

On the Sims 1 you have to kiss 10 times. On the Sims 2 and 3 you need a boy and Sim and a girl Sim "Relax" and bed. Then what I do is make them cuddle, then kiss, then makeout, then pick "Try for Baby."

How do two sims kiss in Sims 3?

It is very simple- the two sims need to have a good relationship and then one of the sims need to use a lot of romantic interactions. Then, the icon for "first kiss" will appear and if all goes well, your sims will kiss! If your sim has the innapropriate trait, then they can try to kiss someone when they first meet them, without the build up, but most likely the other sim will reject!

Can sims kiss on sims castaway for wii and how?

no they can not kiss. the best you can get is a romantic hug.

Can you kiss your father in sims 3?

not sure think you can sine it like your family!

On Sims 2 Kingdom can you kiss on it?

Nope you can't kiss on my sims Kingdom. Sorry.

How can you get your sims on Sims 3 ds pregnant?

sorry but you can't it's impossible you can sleep and kiss your husband but can;t have kids sorry:(

How do you make Sims in Sims 2 Pets have a romantic kiss?

same as you do in any other sims- get a high relationship & clik 'kiss'!

Can children kiss on sims 3?

No because they can't have any relationship until they are a teenager.