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Go to the end,destroy the crystals that are on the obsidian towers, and slay the enderdragon.

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Q: How do you kill the ender dragon again in minecraft?
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kill the ender dragon

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It gives his full name.

What is the purpose of Minecraft?

The purpose of minecraft is to survive, build, explore and create, but what you want to do is that is to kill the Ender Dragon and The Wither Boss.

How do you get to the endear dragon on Minecraft?

kill ender men to get ender pearls then go to to the nether and fined a nether fortress. find a blaze spawner and kill the blazes look up on minecraft wiki how to make a eye of ender make a lot and them you right click with them in your hand. it will fly in a direction follow them until they will go straight down. dig straight down until you find a stronghold. look for the end portal place the needed eyes of ender and jump in the portal. you should see the ender dragon there. look it up on youtube for more information

How do you get to the End Fortress on Minecraft?

You need to kill lots of endermen and get their ender pearls. Then, go to the Nether and kill some blazes. Make the blaze rods into blaze powder. CRaft them together to make eyes of ender. Throw them in the air and follow them until they go down and keep going down when you throw them again straqight away. Dig down but be careful - you might end up in the lava! To get to the end, fill the slots with Eyes of Ender and jump in. Beware of the Ender Dragon!

What is there a Minecraft for?

Yes. You build a house, mine, make a nether portal, kill a crapload of blazes, die and go back to the overworld, make eyes of ender, find a strondhold, use eyes of ender to open a portal, go to the end, fight the ender dragon(and if you know how, get the dragon egg), win, and go back to your world.

How on minecraft do you get the ender dragon as a pet on mine craft?

You don't - You kill it to get a portal so you can escape The End. (Take a good bow (Flame wont help) and a good sword + potions!)

How do you get dragon eggs in minecraft?

Kill the enderdragon.

Is there a main concept to Minecraft?

The main purpose to the first minecraft was to explore caves. When the adventure update came out, the main concept changed, after the adventure update the main concept was to build your way up to the nether, then get blaze rods and use them with ender pearls to make eye of enders, then find the stronghold and the ender portal, kill the dragon and after you do this the main credits role.

Is there a moral to minecraft?

Yes. The moral is there is never an End to anything but life. In Hardcore mode, once you die the world is deleted, but after you defeat the Ender dragon, nothing ends. Even though you kill the dragon, there are still mobs. In the end, the end doesn't end the game.

Can you find ''The End'' in adventure mode in minecraft?

If by "adventure mode" you mean survival then yes, you must first find a rare stronghold then collect enough Ender Eyes to repair the portal, jump through and you will appear in the end. Be warned, once you go in the only way of getting out is to kill the Ender Dragon.

how do i win minecraft?

There is no such thing as points in minecraft. If you are talking about XP then all you have to do is kill mobs and get the xp I would Suggest making a XP grinder so that you can get alot of XP so that you can get alot of it!