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Basically, if you type in testingcheatsenabled true into the cheat bar which can be brought up by ctrl + shift + C u then type in simsdeath on and put them in a car and drive to the cooking lessons and they will have a freak fire and die :)

You can also have them die these deaths:

Fire (Cook something and leave it unattended when it is in the oven)

Old age (Have them age up to elder and wait for them to die)

Drowning (Have them get in a pool, and put trees real close the the pool so they cant get out, then they will become tired and eventually drown OR a good place to die in this matter is the gym. Have your sim work out until they are fatiqued, then have them swim in a pool for about 40 secconds then they will drown and die)

Starve (Don't have them eat for a long time then they will die eventually)

Electrocution (Have your sim talk on the phone in a puddle, they might get electrocuted, or, if you don't have any experience with handiness, have them fix a TV or something and they will probably get electrocuted)

Death by flies (Leave a bunch of old food in your sims house and flies will build up and eat your sim)

Illness (Have them eat a bunch of bad food and don't cure the illness for about 4 sim days)

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